Python GUI Project: Creating a Speech to Text App

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Speech to Text App – Python GUI Project

Speech to Text App – Python GUI Project

Speech to text technology has become increasingly popular in recent years. With the advancements in natural language processing and machine learning, it is now possible to convert spoken language into written text with high accuracy. In this article, we will discuss a Python GUI project that utilizes speech to text technology to create a user-friendly app for transcribing speech.

Project Overview

The Speech to Text App is a Python-based desktop application that allows users to input spoken audio and convert it into written text. The app utilizes a popular library called pyttsx3 for speech recognition and tkinter for building the graphical user interface. The project aims to provide a simple and intuitive tool for users to transcribe spoken language easily.

Key Features

  • Simple and user-friendly interface
  • Real-time transcription of spoken language
  • Ability to save transcribed text as a text file
  • Option to playback the transcribed text using text-to-speech technology

How It Works

The app uses the pyttsx3 library to capture audio input from the user’s microphone. The audio input is then processed using a speech recognition algorithm to convert it into written text. The transcribed text is displayed on the app’s interface in real-time, allowing users to see the transcription as it happens. Additionally, users have the option to save the transcribed text as a text file for future reference.


The Speech to Text App provides several benefits to its users, including:

  • Improved productivity: Users can quickly transcribe spoken language into written text, saving time and effort in manual transcription.
  • Accessibility: The app can be used by individuals with speech or hearing impairments to convert spoken language into written form.
  • Ease of use: The app’s intuitive interface makes it easy for users to control and interact with the speech to text functionality.


The Speech to Text App is a valuable tool for anyone who needs to transcribe spoken language into written text. Its user-friendly interface and real-time transcription capabilities make it a practical solution for various use cases. The project demonstrates the power of Python and its libraries in creating effective and efficient GUI applications.

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6 months ago

Great great great.

6 months ago

if your PY File is not run due to WIN_CLOSED:
" event,

if event in ("Exit" or sg.WIN_CLOSED, 'Cancel'):" 👍

6 months ago

can i get the souce code of this

6 months ago

Exactly what I have been searching for 2 hour! ;).
Thank You for sharing. Liked and subscribed.

6 months ago

Hello! Love your contnet. Saw your video a while ago on multi-page scraping and was wondering if you can do a vid or something on Twitch? I ideally want to scrape the emails of active streamers on the platform. Thanks!