Python Tkinter GUI Tutorial #11: Enhancing Your Program with Frames

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In this tutorial, we will learn how to add frames to our Python Tkinter GUI program. Frames are containers that can hold other widgets, such as buttons, labels, entry boxes, and more. By organizing widgets into frames, we can create a more structured and visually pleasing layout for our GUI applications.

To get started, make sure you have Python and Tkinter installed on your computer. You can install Tkinter by running the following command:

pip install python-tk

Once you have Tkinter installed, create a new Python script and import the Tkinter module:

import tkinter as tk

Next, create an instance of the Tk class to create the main window for your GUI application:

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Adding Frames to Your Program")

Now, let’s create a frame and place it inside the main window. To create a frame, use the Frame class and pass the root window as the parent parameter:

frame = tk.Frame(root)

You can also specify additional options for the frame, such as the width, height, background color, padding, and more. For example, you can set the background color of the frame to white:

frame = tk.Frame(root, bg="white")

Next, let’s add some widgets to the frame. You can add buttons, labels, entry boxes, and other widgets to the frame by creating instances of the corresponding widget classes and passing the frame as the parent parameter:

label = tk.Label(frame, text="Hello, World!")

button = tk.Button(frame, text="Click Me!")

You can also organize widgets into multiple frames to create a more complex layout. Simply create additional frames and place them inside the main window or other frames:

frame1 = tk.Frame(root, bg="yellow")

label1 = tk.Label(frame1, text="Frame 1")

frame2 = tk.Frame(root, bg="green")

label2 = tk.Label(frame2, text="Frame 2")

Finally, run the main event loop to display the GUI window and handle user interactions:


That’s it! You have now learned how to add frames to your Python Tkinter GUI program. Frames allow you to organize widgets into containers and create a more structured and visually appealing layout for your applications. Experiment with different layouts and styles to create unique and intuitive user interfaces. Thank you for reading, and happy coding!

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1 hour ago

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1 hour ago

jesse we need to cook

1 hour ago

Thanks muchly 🙂

1 hour ago

Me: Are the color attributes assigned within tkinter's classes such as “`Button“`, specifically, as an example, “`background=“` as global class variables (ie “`background=Button.GREEN“`) or as a string (ie “`background='GREEN'“`)?


In Tkinter, the color attributes, such as `background`, are typically assigned as strings representing color names or color codes, rather than global class variables.

Here are the common ways to specify colors in Tkinter:

1. Color names: Tkinter supports a wide range of predefined color names, such as `'red'`, `'green'`, `'blue'`, `'yellow'`, etc. These color names are strings and can be directly used to set the `background` attribute of a widget. For example:

button = Button(root, text="Click Me", background='red')

2. Color codes: Tkinter also allows specifying colors using hexadecimal color codes. These codes represent the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values of a color. The format for specifying a color code is `'#RRGGBB'`, where `RR`, `GG`, and `BB` represent the hexadecimal values for the red, green, and blue components, respectively. For example:

button = Button(root, text="Click Me", background='#FF0000') # Sets background to red

In both cases, the color attribute (`background`, `foreground`, etc.) is assigned as a string value.

Tkinter does not typically define color attributes as global class variables within the widget classes themselves. Instead, the color values can be directly specified as string literals or variables when creating or configuring widget instances.

1 hour ago

Clear & simple explanations, great way to learn.

1 hour ago

How use place in frame)? not use 'pack' and 'grid'. Thanks

1 hour ago

Thank you sir 😊

1 hour ago

Does anybody knows how to change the width of a frame?
I was reading that you need to use _propagate(0) after your .grid or .pack, but the frame that I'm trying to change dissapears…
otherwise, just adding width = x in your frame definition won't give you any errors or warnings, but it won't do a thing.

1 hour ago

Great course!! You keep on going producing extremely useful material John. Unfortunately the "youtube" code did not work on your website. I wanted to try the entire Tkinter course :))) But these courses are absolutely satisfactory. Thanks. And PLEASE. Keep them on Youtube!! 🙂

1 hour ago

Well it's only a LableFrame there is also just a Frame, pretty same concept only without border. Would be a good idea to include it here too)

1 hour ago

Hello sir can u make a pattern program using tkinter

1 hour ago

im not working, im on sick leave and im chainwatching these videos hoping to get a better job. Thanks alot ! i love coding !

1 hour ago

Hello Sir ,
How to use Frames using Place () Method ? i am unable to use .

1 hour ago

I'm having a problem with frames. I have a simple 2 frames–left and right. Left frame will have some buttons and entry boxes and right side will show reults. In the left frame I set rowspan to 10. Right frame is a canvas put on the frame with a rowspan of 10 that seems OK. When I put a button on the left frame at column=0 and row=1 it shows half down the frame. When I put the second button on the left frame it is at the very bottom of the window even thought I set rowspan to 10. I set rowconfigure and columnconfigure both to weight 1. Third button won't even show on the left frame. ANy ideas?

1 hour ago

Can you have multiple frames sitting side by side or positioned through an application or just only one?

1 hour ago

the more i learn from you the less i know about before.
i try to create a gui, i'm new to programing.
because my gui includes big data, i create main frame1 in with button that opens new frame from (separate file) – how can i make the frame in to be included in frame of to be integrated and "seems" like two frames in same window and not separate windows?
thanks. 🙂

1 hour ago

Hello, I have a problem. I've already made labels that I'm trying to move into the frame but, the frame is not big enough to fit them. How do i get it bigger to the labels?

1 hour ago

Life Saver 🍀

1 hour ago

Thanks for your good quality videos
I have a problem that I do not know where to solve.
I want to add an image to my window, but when I do, the image pushes the rest of the window components (labels, buttons, entries, etc.) in different directions and my window layout is broken. Is.
What should I do about this?

1 hour ago

like button smashed

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