Python Tkinter Image Stedata project: Concealing data in images

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Image Steganography Project

Image Steganography Project using Python Tkinter

Image Steganography is the art of hiding data within an image. This can be accomplished by manipulating the pixels of the image to embed the data, making it imperceptible to the human eye. In this article, we will explore a project that uses Python and Tkinter to implement image steganography.

About the Project

The project involves creating a graphical user interface (GUI) using Tkinter, a popular GUI toolkit for Python. The GUI will allow users to select an image and hide a message within it. The hidden message can then be retrieved from the image using the same application.

How it Works

The project uses Python’s imaging library, PIL (Python Imaging Library), to read and manipulate images. With the help of PIL, we can access the pixel values of an image and modify them to embed or extract data.


Below is a sample implementation of the project using Python and Tkinter:

        import tkinter as tk
        from tkinter import filedialog
        from PIL import Image, ImageTk

        def hide_message():
            # Code to hide message within the image

        def extract_message():
            # Code to extract message from the image

        def open_image():
            # Code to open and display the selected image

        def save_image():
            # Code to save the modified image


Image steganography is a fascinating technique that has numerous applications in data security and privacy. This project demonstrates how Python and Tkinter can be used to implement image steganography in a user-friendly manner. By allowing users to hide and extract messages from images, the application showcases the power of steganography in a simple and intuitive way.

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6 months ago

Unique projects that we can make for you:

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>Blind vision mobile app << android

>Skin/Lungs/eye/blood cancer detection

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>Marquee recomendation system

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Image processing

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>Driver drosiness detection

>Face attendence system, ip camera, auto attendence

>Smart parking system and number plate recognization system

>Solar cleaner using image processing

> Medical perscription reader app using image processing , to reduce risk of wrong medicine to patient


> Water quality monitoring system using IOT, ph sensor, temp, water level

> Pet/Plant monitoring system

> Automatic door lock using finger print and rfid card

> Smart baby craddle >> amplifier and speaker for tune playing, motor for swing, temp, moisture, is baby present in craddle, blynk app message to mother/father or guardian

> Garbage collector Robot for Rivers and Lakes

> Health(Current, volts and temp) moniting of induction motor/transformer

> 3 phase motor health monitoring using iot

> Smart socket for home appliances

> Fire fighting Robot

> Smart Traffic light system with mobile app control for amublance

> Smart verticle parking system for smart cities >> congested areas, rfid card

> LiFi system for communication of data in near field

> BMS system for electrical vehicles

> Solar Tracker system

> Weight scale (Digital kanda) for trucks

> smart mirror

Web apps

>Beauty Parlour managment system

>pdf to audio converter for easy reading

>Credit card fruad detection system

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>uber like ride sharing app for community service

>Block chain based voting system using django

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>LMS system

Reach us for these projects

+92-305-7736599, asif iqbal

6 months ago


6 months ago

Check latest python Tkinter project

6 months ago


6 months ago

So interesting project. We need more project ideas.