Python Tutorial: How to Build a Mobile App Using Kivy Framework 🐍📱

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Python is a versatile programming language that can be used to build a wide range of applications, including mobile apps. In this tutorial, we will be using Kivy, a popular Python framework for building cross-platform applications, to build a simple mobile app.

Before we get started, make sure you have Python installed on your system. You can download Python from the official website ( Once you have Python installed, you can proceed with installing Kivy.

To install Kivy, open a terminal or command prompt and type the following command:

pip install kivy

This will install Kivy and all its dependencies on your system. Once Kivy is installed, we can start building our mobile app.

Step 1: Creating a Kivy App

Create a new Python file and import the necessary modules:

from import App
from kivy.uix.label import Label

Next, create a class for your Kivy app:

class MyApp(App):
    def build(self):
        return Label(text="Hello, World!")

In the build method, we are returning a Label widget with the text "Hello, World!". This will be the main content of our mobile app.

Step 2: Running the Kivy App

To run your Kivy app, add the following code at the end of your Python file:

if __name__ == '__main__':

Save your Python file and run it using the following command in the terminal:


This will launch your Kivy app with the "Hello, World!" text displayed on the screen. You have successfully created your first Kivy mobile app!

Step 3: Adding More Widgets

Now that you have a basic Kivy app up and running, you can start adding more widgets to customize the look and feel of your mobile app. Here’s an example of adding a Button widget:

from kivy.uix.button import Button

class MyApp(App):
    def build(self):
        btn = Button(text='Click Me!')
        return btn

    def button_click(self, instance):
        print('Button Clicked!')

In this code snippet, we have added a Button widget with the text ‘Click Me!’. We have also bound the on_press event of the button to a method called button_click, which will print ‘Button Clicked!’ to the console when the button is clicked.

Step 4: Building a Mobile App with Multiple Screens

To create a mobile app with multiple screens, you can use the ScreenManager widget provided by Kivy. Here’s an example of creating a mobile app with two screens:

from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen

class ScreenOne(Screen):

class ScreenTwo(Screen):

class MyApp(App):
    def build(self):
        sm = ScreenManager()
        return sm

In this code snippet, we have created two screens (ScreenOne and ScreenTwo) using the Screen class provided by Kivy. We have also created a ScreenManager widget and added the two screens to it. This will allow us to switch between the screens in our mobile app.

Step 5: Designing the User Interface

You can also design the user interface of your mobile app using Kivy’s language, known as KV. Here’s an example of designing a simple user interface using KV:

from kivy.lang import Builder

kv = '''

            text: 'Screen One'

            text: 'Screen Two'


In this code snippet, we have defined two screens (ScreenOne and ScreenTwo) in the KV language. We have also defined the layout and widgets for each screen. This allows you to design the user interface of your mobile app in a more structured and organized way.

Step 6: Building a Complete Mobile App

Now that you have learned the basics of building a mobile app with Python and Kivy, you can start building more complex applications with different features and functionalities.

You can also explore the Kivy documentation ( to learn more about the various widgets, layouts, and functionalities provided by the framework.

In conclusion, Python and Kivy provide a powerful and flexible platform for building mobile apps that can run on multiple operating systems. With the right knowledge and skills, you can create innovative and engaging mobile applications that cater to a wide range of user needs. I hope this tutorial has inspired you to start building your own mobile app with Python and Kivy. Happy coding!

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4 hours ago

Hope You Enjoyed This Tutorial 😊
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Updated Method With Full Process(Code To App):

4 hours ago

Funny how all these videos on "mobile apps" completely neglect the part where you have to upload it into a phone and show how it runs on it.

4 hours ago


4 hours ago

I love your work ❤

4 hours ago

mobile kaha he bhai ? bhai mobile me run karke dikhavo yaar…

4 hours ago

are you making fool brother this is not a mobile app you just create a desktop apps means creating APK files so that we can use it and test in our are just wasting people's time okay.😐😐

4 hours ago

Pretty cool❤ but l feeling like clear, next, and exit button can be added😊

4 hours ago

How to run this app in mobile?

4 hours ago

Can be use IDLE for this ??

4 hours ago

HI Sir, I'm Kartick from Kolkata, India.001) Can I run Python on Android Studio to develop any kind of apps or games for Android and see the Live Preview of how it looks like on Android Phone when it will be installed? 002) Will I be able to freelance as a Mobile App Developer using Python on Upwork or Fiverr Site?

4 hours ago

This is not an app. Cheat

4 hours ago

make a project on ai based network intrusion detection system

4 hours ago

Don't understand at all😂

4 hours ago

Sir what code should we write to get image input from the user like it happens in google lens

4 hours ago

sir can we able to create an separate app using this process?

4 hours ago

Not running on macbook m3

4 hours ago

bro i need your help how can i contact u

4 hours ago

I love this tutorial

4 hours ago

Good for me for start

4 hours ago

Can u show how we make a automatic timetable management system Application for school using kivy python

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