Python Web Application Development Course Using Flask

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Flask is a lightweight Python web framework that is used to create web applications. It is known for its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of use. In this tutorial, we will learn about Flask and how to create a web application using Python.

Getting Started with Flask:

  1. Install Flask: The first step is to install Flask on your system. You can do this using pip, the Python package manager. Open your terminal and run the following command:
pip install Flask
  1. Create a new directory for your Flask project and navigate to it:
mkdir myFlaskApp
cd myFlaskApp
  1. Create a new Python file for your Flask application. You can name it or any other name you prefer:
  1. Open the file in a text editor and import the Flask module:
from flask import Flask
  1. Create a new instance of the Flask class:
app = Flask(__name__)
  1. Define a route for your Flask application. A route is a URL that the app will respond to. You can define a route using a decorator:
def hello():
    return 'Hello, World!'
  1. Run the Flask application. You can do this by adding the following code at the end of the file:
if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. Start the Flask development server by running the following command in the terminal:

Your Flask application should now be running on or http://localhost:5000/. Open a web browser and navigate to the URL to see your application in action.

Creating a Web Application with Flask:

Now that you have set up your Flask application, you can start building a web application using Python code. Here are some basic concepts to get you started:

  1. Templates: Flask uses Jinja2 templates to generate HTML pages. You can create a templates directory in your Flask project directory and store your HTML templates in it.

  2. Static Files: You can store static files such as CSS, JavaScript, and images in a static directory in your Flask project.

  3. Handling HTTP Requests: Flask provides decorators for defining routes for different HTTP methods like GET and POST. You can access form data, request parameters, and other information from the request object.

  4. Redirect and Error Handling: You can use the redirect() function to redirect users to another URL. Flask also provides error handling functionality to display custom error pages.

  5. Sessions: Flask supports sessions to store user-specific information across multiple requests. You can use the session object to store and retrieve session data.

  6. Database Integration: Flask can be integrated with various databases like SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL to store and retrieve data. You can use SQLAlchemy or Flask-SQLAlchemy for database ORM.

  7. Deployment: Once you have developed your Flask application, you can deploy it to a web server like Heroku, AWS, or DigitalOcean. You may need to configure the server settings and install dependencies to run the Flask app in a production environment.


Flask is a powerful Python web framework that allows you to create web applications quickly and easily. In this tutorial, we have covered the basics of Flask and how to create a simple web application using Python code. You can expand your Flask knowledge by exploring more advanced features and integrating with other technologies to build a full-fledged web application. Happy coding!

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1 month ago

Thanks a lot for uploading this course, once again, it's an honor to have some of my courses in the FCC Channel 🙂

1 month ago

Day 1: 1:21:14
Day 2 : 2:51:59

1 month ago

You're the best
Thank you very much

1 month ago

He made an e-commerce for selling weed. "porro" means weed in Spanish

1 month ago

Excellent Course. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

1 month ago


1 month ago

404 not found on the snippets

1 month ago

"If you are not getting an error, you are good to go.", but what if we are getting an?? Please help those who are getting an error as well!!

1 month ago

You know, anyone can learn the basics of a programming language in one or two weeks. It's knowing what and how to advance beyond that. It's thanks to this course plus a couple of other courses that have helped me to get beyond just doing simple things with Python. Am I a top engineer, no, but I definitely now have the tools to advance without letting roadblocks hinder me. Thank you.

1 month ago

Did anybody notice that form.errors does not return any errors?

1 month ago

Thank you for this amazing course! I really like your style of lessons because you are not ashamed of errors and you explain everything thoroughly! You really made me understand this, thanks a lot!!

1 month ago

That was a great tutorial. I just finished it today (June 21, 2024), implenting the same ideas (with few minor adjustments) using Bootstrap 5. Thank you.

1 month ago

I am not seeing the validation messages in the cmd. Can anyone please help in that?

1 month ago

Thanks FCC, for creating this Flask course. My question is that is it still worth to watch it in 2024?

1 month ago

i was not ablie to install flask
could anyone pls help me in how to install flask

1 month ago

correct me if I am wrong. but by styling the html file after the scripts it can lead to delay of the styling. If, for any reason, the scripts loading jQuery etc.. get delayed, the styles will only show after it finishes loading.

1 month ago

Advanced Flask Features:


Flask extensions (e.g., Flask-SQLAlchemy, Flask-RESTful, Flask-Security)

Flask error handling and logging

Database Management:

Advanced SQLAlchemy querying techniques

Database migrations (using tools like Flask-Migrate)

Optimization strategies

Handling complex database relationships

Authentication and Authorization:

OAuth integration

Token-based authentication (JWT)

Role-based access control (RBAC)

Custom authentication schemes


Design principles

Request parsing and validation


Authentication and authorization

Rate limiting




Unit testing

Integration testing

End-to-end testing

Test-driven development (TDD)

Mocking and patching

Performance Optimization:

Caching strategies

Asynchronous programming

Database optimization

Deployment optimizations

Profiling and benchmarking

Web Security:

Common web vulnerabilities (XSS, CSRF, SQL injection, etc.)

Secure authentication and session management

Content security policies

Security headers

Input validation and sanitization

Websockets and Real-time Communication:


Server-sent events (SSE)

Flask-SocketIO or similar libraries

Microservices Architecture:

Building microservices with Flask

Inter-service communication (HTTP, message queues)

Service discovery and orchestration

Deployment and Scalability:

Containerization with Docker

Orchestration with Kubernetes

Deployment strategies

Autoscaling and load balancing

Monitoring and logging need to learn this after that lol :00000

1 month ago

awesome tutorial, thank you!

1 month ago

what to do if we receive error after db.create_all()

1 month ago

Nice one. Really good information here. Appreciate the time and work that has gone into this.