Qt 6.6 Release: Introducing Responsive Layouts, Qt Graphs, and More

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Qt 6.6 Release – Responsive Layouts, Qt Graphs & more

Qt 6.6 Release – Responsive Layouts, Qt Graphs & more

Qt 6.6 has just been released, bringing with it a host of new features and improvements. One of the most exciting new features in this release is the support for responsive layouts, making it easier than ever to create applications that look great on any device.

Responsive Layouts

With the new responsive layouts feature in Qt 6.6, developers can create applications that automatically adjust their layout and design based on the size of the screen they are being viewed on. This makes it easy to create applications that look great on desktops, tablets, and smartphones alike.

Qt Graphs

Another major new feature in Qt 6.6 is support for Qt Graphs, which allows developers to easily create and display graphs and charts in their applications. This can be incredibly useful for applications that need to visualize data in a clear and easy-to-understand way.

Other Improvements

  • Improved performance and stability
  • New APIs for better integration with other platforms
  • Enhanced support for web technologies

Overall, Qt 6.6 is a significant update that brings a number of exciting new features and improvements to the Qt framework. Whether you are a seasoned Qt developer or just getting started, there is something in this release for everyone.

For more information on Qt 6.6 and to download the latest version, visit the Qt website.

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3 months ago

Maybe a bad question: what about Flutter? Or comparables.

3 months ago

How can I build my qt for python app for android?

3 months ago

The most important is make it have 3D and have shading or shadowing or rotations in all directions able to create 3D environment for business companies to showcase products like 3D games. Alot missing

3 months ago

QT has worse documents in the world!

3 months ago

How about improve your documents and make it less cancer to use.

3 months ago

At 0:48 I do not understand why Qt suffers from NOT being able to resize the content of the window fast enough to prevent showing black background in newly exposed ares. The resizing of the content is visibly lagging behind mouse cursor movement. The whole QtQuick/Qml machinery looks so slow and stuttering whenever I am resizing the window. I tried resizing Window in Flutter and it is so much faster than Qt, it never stutters, never exposes black uninitialized background. And it makes me sad that Qt is so much slower than Flutter in this regard. Are there any plans to improve this?

3 months ago


3 months ago

Great! very welcome new features.
-but.. does it come with glorious beard?

3 months ago

Is the responsive layouts Qt Quick only or for both QML and Qt Widgets?

3 months ago

Lovely 😍