
¿Qué es el MICRO-FRONTEND? Cómo implementarlo con React Module Federation

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Micro-frontends have been gaining popularity in the development community as a way to break down a large and monolithic frontend application into smaller, more manageable and independent pieces. This approach allows different teams to work on different parts of the frontend application independently, enabling more efficient development and deployment processes.

One way to implement micro-frontends is with React Module Federation. This is a technique that allows you to build multiple independent micro-frontends, which can then be combined to create a full-fledged frontend application. React Module Federation makes it possible to share components, libraries, and even state management across different micro-frontends, making the development process smoother and more efficient.

So, what exactly is micro-frontends and how can we implement it with React Module Federation? Let’s take a closer look at these concepts and see how they can be used together to build scalable and maintainable frontend applications.

Micro-frontends: Breaking down the monolith

In traditional frontend development, a large and complex frontend application is often built as a single monolithic codebase. This can make it difficult to manage and maintain, especially as the application grows in size and complexity. Micro-frontends offer a different approach by breaking down the frontend application into smaller, more manageable parts. Each part, or micro-frontend, can be developed and deployed independently, making it easier to maintain and scale the application.

Implementing micro-frontends with React Module Federation

React Module Federation is a feature in webpack that allows you to build and share modular components and libraries across different micro-frontends. With React Module Federation, you can create a shared scope for your micro-frontends, enabling them to share components, libraries, and even state management. This makes it possible to build and deploy independent micro-frontends that can be seamlessly integrated to create a full-featured frontend application.

To implement micro-frontends with React Module Federation, you can start by creating multiple independent React applications, each representing a different micro-frontend of your overall frontend application. Within each micro-frontend, you can use React Module Federation to expose and consume components and libraries from other micro-frontends. This makes it possible to build a scalable and maintainable frontend application, with each micro-frontend developed and deployed independently.

In summary, micro-frontends offer a more scalable and maintainable approach to frontend development by breaking down a large and monolithic frontend application into smaller, more manageable parts. With React Module Federation, you can implement micro-frontends in your React applications, enabling you to build and share modular components and libraries across different micro-frontends. This makes it possible to create a full-featured frontend application that is easy to maintain and scale.

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6 months ago

¿Qué te ha parecido?

6 months ago

hay forma de usar vite en vez de webpack?

6 months ago

Amigo, crees que hay forma de que se pueda usar con tailwindcss v3, ya que esta usando la v2 pero si intento actualizar a la v3, el container deja de tener en cuenta los estilos del micro remote.

6 months ago

Buenísimo, quiza hay algún avance con HMR (?
Sabe ser un estrés recargar por un cambio jajaja

6 months ago

Oye. Cuál o cuáles son las formas recomendadas para pasar props y compartir el state (supongo que por prop) entre componentes de diferentes apps?? en donde trabajo guardan valores en las propiedades html y el localStorage. Se puede usar el contexto de la app A dentro de la B federada?

6 months ago

Justo estoy iniciando en un proyecto con mucho legacy y están usando module federation y se ve medio caótico. Espero aportar con orden y estabilidad

6 months ago

Genial Bezael, como siempre.
Ya me estoy quedando sin uñas esperando esos nuevos videos al respecto.

6 months ago

Te deja crear proyectos de angular?

6 months ago

Genial bro!!!

6 months ago

Me encanto y muy practico !

6 months ago

Gracias por compartir tu conocimiento. Subiras contenido de module federation pero con angular 🙁

6 months ago

No lle veo las utilidad práctica, a no ser que sea para grandes aplicaciones corporativas