Quick Development with Vue.js Computed Property

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compp – Vue.js computed property snippet for rapid dev

compp – Vue.js computed property snippet for rapid dev

When developing with Vue.js, computed properties are a powerful tool for filtering and transforming data in your app. However, writing out the full computed property syntax can be cumbersome and time-consuming. That’s where the compp snippet comes in handy.

The compp snippet is a shortcut for creating computed properties in Vue.js. It allows you to quickly define a computed property in just a few keystrokes, saving you time and effort during development.


To use the compp snippet, simply type “compp” followed by the tab key in the script section of your Vue component. This will expand into a template for creating a computed property, complete with the necessary syntax and placeholders for your specific logic.

Here’s an example of the compp snippet in action:


This will expand into the following template:

computed: {
propertyName: {
get() {
// Your logic here
set(value) {
// Your logic here

From there, you can simply fill in your logic inside the get and set functions to define the behavior of your computed property.


The compp snippet offers several benefits for Vue.js developers. First and foremost, it saves time by providing a quick and easy way to create computed properties without having to manually write out the full syntax each time. This can significantly speed up development and reduce the risk of errors.

Additionally, the compp snippet promotes consistency in your codebase by standardizing the way computed properties are created. This can make your code more readable and maintainable, especially when working on larger projects with multiple developers.

Overall, the compp snippet is a handy tool for Vue.js developers who want to streamline their workflow and improve the efficiency of their code. Give it a try in your next Vue.js project and see how much time and effort it can save you!