Quickly Start Creating Basic GUI Applications with Python’s Tkinter Library

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Getting Started with Tkinter

Get started with a Basic GUI Application with Python’s Tkinter Library in 5 minutes

If you’re new to GUI application development with Python, Tkinter is a great place to start. It’s a built-in library that allows you to create simple and intuitive graphical user interfaces for your Python programs.

Step 1: Install Python

If you don’t already have Python installed on your computer, you can download and install it from the official website python.org.

Step 2: Import the Tkinter library

Open a new Python file and import the Tkinter library by adding the following line at the top of your file:

import tkinter as tk

Step 3: Create the main window

Next, create the main application window by adding the following code:

root = tk.Tk()
  root.title("My First GUI Application")

Step 4: Add a label

Now, let’s add a label to the window that displays some text. You can do this with the following code:

label = tk.Label(root, text="Hello, Tkinter!")

Step 5: Run the application

Finally, run the application by adding the following code at the end of your file:


That’s it! You’ve just created a simple GUI application with Tkinter in just a few minutes.


Python’s Tkinter library makes it easy to create basic GUI applications. This article has provided a quick introduction to creating a simple application using Tkinter. From here, you can explore the Tkinter documentation and tutorials to learn more about building more complex and feature-rich GUI applications.

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6 months ago


6 months ago

Amazing 😊