Quiz Application with Question and Answer Saving Feature | Built with Laravel, Vue.js, and Inertia.js

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Save Question and Answers – Quiz Application

Save Question and Answers – Quiz Application

If you are looking for a way to save question and answers in a quiz application, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss how to achieve this using Laravel, Vue js, and Inertia js.


Laravel is a powerful PHP framework that provides a lot of built-in features for web development. It comes with a robust ORM for interacting with the database, which makes it easy to handle data storage and retrieval. With Laravel, we can easily set up the backend for our quiz application and save question and answers in a database.

Vue js

Vue js is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It provides an easy way to create dynamic and interactive components for our frontend. With Vue js, we can create forms for users to input their questions and answers, and then send this data to the backend for storage.

Inertia js

Inertia js is a library that allows us to build single-page applications with Vue js and Laravel. It simplifies the process of integrating frontend and backend and enables us to create a seamless user experience. With Inertia js, we can easily send data from our Vue components to our Laravel controllers and save it in the database.


To save question and answers in our quiz application, we can create a form in Vue js that allows users to input their questions and answers. When the form is submitted, we can use Inertia js to send this data to our Laravel backend. In our Laravel controller, we can handle the request, validate the input, and save the question and answers in the database using the Laravel ORM.

Here is a basic example of how we can achieve this:

// Vue js component

export default {
data() {
return {
question: ”,
answer: ”
methods: {
saveQuestionAndAnswers() {
this.$inertia.post(‘/save’, { question: this.question, answer: this.answer })


// Laravel controller
public function save(Request $request) {
$validatedData = $request->validate([
‘question’ => ‘required|string’,
‘answer’ => ‘required|string’


return redirect()->back();

With this implementation, users can input their questions and answers in the frontend, and the data will be sent to the backend for storage in the database. This allows us to easily save question and answers in our quiz application.


In conclusion, by using Laravel, Vue js, and Inertia js, we can easily save question and answers in a quiz application. This combination of technologies allows us to create a seamless user experience and efficiently handle data storage and retrieval. By following the implementation example provided in this article, you can start saving question and answers in your own quiz application today.