Ranking of JavaScript Frameworks

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JavaScript Framework Tier List

JavaScript Framework Tier List

JavaScript frameworks have become an integral part of web development, providing developers with the tools and libraries they need to build responsive and dynamic web applications. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to determine which framework is best suited for a particular project. To help navigate the landscape, we have created a tier list of popular JavaScript frameworks based on their features, performance, and community support.

Tier S: Top-tier Frameworks

  • React
  • Vue.js
  • Angular

These frameworks are widely adopted, have strong community support, and offer a rich set of features for building scalable and efficient web applications. They are constantly updated and have large ecosystems of libraries and tools to aid development.

Tier A: High-quality Frameworks

  • Ember.js
  • Svelte
  • Backbone.js

Frameworks in this tier are also well-regarded and have their strengths in specific use cases. They may have smaller communities compared to Tier S frameworks, but they are stable and reliable choices for many projects.

Tier B: Up-and-coming Frameworks

  • Alpine.js
  • Hyperscript
  • Stimulus

These frameworks are gaining traction and are worth exploring for their unique approaches to web development. They may not have as many features or community support as Tier S or A frameworks yet, but they have potential for growth.

Tier C: Specialized Frameworks

  • Gatsby
  • Next.js
  • Nuxt.js

These frameworks are specialized for particular use cases, such as static site generation or server-side rendering. They may not be suitable for all projects, but they excel in their specific domains.

Ultimately, the choice of JavaScript framework depends on the requirements of the project and the preferences of the development team. By considering the features, performance, and community support of each framework, developers can make an informed decision and choose the right tool for the job.

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6 months ago

0:41 vanilla js
1:05 jquery
1:24 alpinejs
2:35 angular
3:19 astro
3:45 emberjs
6:28 handlebars
7:53 qwik
11:27 lit
12:50 preact
14:52 react/hardly know her
14:57 htmx/not a javascript framework (same thing)
16:37 solidjs
19:11 svelte
24:24 vue
27:35 nextjs
28:54 remix
32:51 gatsby
34:24 nuxt
36:27 flutter/instant S tier (same thing)
37:06 elm/haskell (same thing)
38:26 flash/based (same thing)
39:15 react again

6 months ago

"Js framework for non-js developers" is what jquery has always been, and htmx is just yet-another-modern overhyped library with strange syntax

6 months ago

No BackBoneJS, no KnockoutJS. Sorry, Theo. Video will be in D tier. I still have to write BackboneJS to this day :))))

6 months ago

Astro is S tier.

6 months ago

Flash is definetly the best JS framework… yes. xD

6 months ago

Some good points, and glad to see the acknowledgment of being a react fanboy. The only thing I would change is bump Angular to A, and put JQuery at D. JQuery shouldn’t get a pass because of its usage and history. It’s awful to work with. As for Angular, the framework has a lot of great positives which we just glossed over because Theo is so biased against it.

6 months ago

angular should be higher

6 months ago

Jquery at S tier is wild. As someone who started as a Flash developer before Jquery was a thing, I just don’t get it. Just because lots of sites use it is like saying most of the web is WordPress, so WordPress is S tier.

6 months ago

No Astro?

6 months ago

How did Astro get categorised in F and jQuery S??? And why the hell is Flutter in this list? Since when is Flutter a JavaScript framework? Oh, I completely forgot that he really wanted to give a side kick. But it's good that the F category is highlighted in green. Maybe you have to read the list from bottom to top.

6 months ago

What is this browser you are using? I love the interface

6 months ago

Astro F tier instantly makes this a skill issue sourced tier list 😂

6 months ago

"jQuery on S tier" trigger "do not recommend this channel"

6 months ago

Hard disagree on jQuery in the S-tier. Yes, it was important 10 years ago, before React was invented. But then it became obsolete. And then even more obsolete with document.querySelector. Every time I see jQuery code now, I cringe, and I don't want to deal with it. Manual DOM manipulation is a thing of the past.

6 months ago


6 months ago

Why u put the Reactjs to tier nerver heard ? i think that is the most library popular bro, and now we have nextjs which new evolution.

6 months ago

Remix this list…!!!

6 months ago

No Van JS? No petite-vue? Comeoooon!

6 months ago

angular is the best, never enjoyed a framework so much. 😊

6 months ago

Vue/Nuxt way is the only abstraction that feels natural to me. When I started exploring frontend world i started with React, and felt like I could get used to it. But then I had to do project in work using Vue Composition API and things immediately clicked.

It gives perfect balance between ease of use and how much you can do with it without using tricks.

And Nuxt gives the real benefit of frontend and backend being separated without PITA of having to keep backend and frontend version of responses.