Rapid Development of a Python Kivy Calculator App #PythonKivy #CalculatorApp #Kivy #AppDevelopment #LearnProgramming

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Quick Python Kivy Calculator App

Developing a Calculator App Using Python Kivy

Python Kivy is a popular open-source Python library for developing multitouch applications. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a simple calculator app using Python Kivy.

Setting Up the Development Environment

Before we start developing our calculator app, make sure you have Python and Kivy installed on your system. You can install Python from the official website and Kivy can be installed using pip: pip install kivy.

Creating the Calculator UI

First, create a new file called calculator.kv which will contain the layout of the calculator app:

        id: input_field
        cols: 4
        rows: 4
            text: "7"
            on_press: app.concat_number("7")
            text: "8"
            on_press: app.concat_number("8")
            text: "9"
            on_press: app.concat_number("9")
            text: "/"
            on_press: app.set_operation("/")
        #... (other buttons for numbers and operations)

In this example, we used the BoxLayout and GridLayout to create a simple layout for our calculator app. We also defined TextInput for displaying the input and several buttons for numbers and operations. The on_press attribute is used to define the behavior when the button is pressed, which will be handled in the Python code.

Implementing the Calculator Logic

Next, create a new Python file called calculator.py and define the logic for the calculator app:

from kivy.app import App
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout

class CalculatorApp(App):
    def build(self):
        return CalculatorLayout()

class CalculatorLayout(BoxLayout):
    def concat_number(self, number):
        # Concatenate the input numbers

    def set_operation(self, operation):
        # Set the operation for calculation

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this Python code, we defined a CalculatorApp class that extends the Kivy App class and a CalculatorLayout class that represents the UI layout. We also defined methods for concatenating numbers and setting operations, which will be invoked when the buttons are pressed in the UI.

Running the Calculator App

To run the calculator app, simply execute the calculator.py file using Python: python calculator.py. This will launch the calculator app with the specified layout and logic.


In this article, we demonstrated how to create a simple calculator app using Python Kivy. You can further expand the functionality of the app by adding more operations and improving the UI design. We hope this serves as a helpful guide for learning app development using Python Kivy.