
React and ExpressJS app for building ChatGPT resumes

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ChatGPT Resume Builder

Welcome to ChatGPT Resume Builder

If you are looking for a modern and efficient way to build your resume, then look no further! ChatGPT Resume Builder is a React and ExpressJS web application that makes it easy to create a professional resume in minutes.

Easy to Use

With ChatGPT Resume Builder, you can easily create and customize your resume with just a few clicks. The user-friendly interface allows you to input your information, select a template, and instantly see your resume come to life.

Professional Templates

Choose from a variety of professionally designed templates to give your resume a polished and professional look. Whether you are in the tech industry, creative field, or more traditional career path, we have a template for you.


Customize every aspect of your resume, from fonts and colors to layout and sections. Personalize your resume to fit your unique style and stand out to potential employers.

React and ExpressJS Technology

ChatGPT Resume Builder is built using the latest web technologies, including React for the frontend and ExpressJS for the backend. This ensures a smooth and seamless user experience, as well as efficient data management for your resume.

Get Started Today

Don’t wait any longer to create the perfect resume. With ChatGPT Resume Builder, you can have a professional and polished resume in no time. Take the first step towards your dream job and start building your resume today!