React Course #9 – Comprehensive React Tutorial – Event Binding

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React Course #9 – React Full Tutorial – Binding

React Course #9 – React Full Tutorial – Binding

In this tutorial, we will cover the concept of binding in React. Binding is a very important concept in React as it allows us to maintain the correct context of ‘this’ keyword within our components.

When a method is passed as a callback function or event handler in React, the value of ‘this’ within that method may not always refer to the component’s instance. In order to maintain the correct context, we need to bind the method to the component’s instance.

Binding using the constructor

One common way to bind methods in React components is by using the constructor. Within the constructor, we can bind the method to the component’s instance using the .bind() method.

	class MyComponent extends React.Component {
	  constructor(props) {
	    this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
	  handleClick() {
	    // method logic here
	  render() {
	    return (

Using arrow functions

Another way to bind methods in React components is by using arrow functions. Arrow functions do not create their own ‘this’ context, so they automatically bind the method to the component’s instance.

	class MyComponent extends React.Component {
	  handleClick = () => {
	    // method logic here
	  render() {
	    return (

Binding is an essential concept in React that ensures the correct context of ‘this’ within our components. By properly binding methods, we can avoid errors and ensure that our components function as expected.

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