
React EP 4: Rendering Conditions and Lists – Exploration and Insights | Season 1

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React EP: 4 | How to render conditions and lists | What do we know, what have we learnt | Season 1

React Episode 4: Rendering Conditions and Lists

Welcome to the fourth episode of React Season 1! In this episode, we will be exploring how to render conditions and lists in React applications. This is an important concept to master as it allows you to dynamically render content based on certain conditions or iterate over a list of items.

Rendering Conditions

One of the most common use cases for rendering conditions in React is to display content based on user interactions or data fetching. You can achieve this by using conditional rendering with JavaScript’s ternary operator or the && operator. For example:

render() {
return (

{this.state.isLoggedIn ?

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Rendering Lists

Rendering lists in React is another essential skill to have. You can easily render a list of items using the map function on an array. For example:

render() {
return (

    {this.state.items.map((item, index) => (

  • {item}
  • ))}


What Have We Learned

In this episode, we have learned how to render conditions and lists in React. We have seen how to dynamically render content based on certain conditions and how to iterate over a list of items. These are essential skills to have when building React applications.

Stay tuned for the next episode where we will explore more advanced concepts in React Season 1!

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