
React EP 5: Responding to Events and Updating Screens – Understanding What We Know and What We Have Learned in Season 1

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React EP: 5 | Responding to Event and Update Screen

React EP: 5 | Responding to Event and Update Screen

Welcome to Season 1 of our React series! In this episode, we will be discussing how to respond to events and update the screen within a React application.

What Do We Know?

Before we dive into responding to events and updating the screen, let’s recap what we have learned so far in our React journey. We have learned about setting up a React project, creating components, using state and props, and rendering elements on the screen.

What Have We Learned?

In this episode, we will learn how to respond to events such as clicking a button or typing in an input field and update the screen accordingly. We will use event handlers and state to achieve this functionality.

Responding to Events

React provides a way to listen for events using event handlers. We can add event handlers to elements such as buttons, input fields, and other interactive elements. When an event is triggered, the event handler function is called, allowing us to respond to the event.

Updating the Screen

Once we have responded to an event, we may want to update the screen to reflect the changes. We can achieve this by updating the state of the component. When the state changes, React will re-render the component, updating the screen with the new data.


In this episode of our React series, we have learned how to respond to events and update the screen within a React application. By using event handlers and state, we can create interactive and dynamic user interfaces. Stay tuned for the next episode where we will dive deeper into React concepts.