
React for Beginners: Understanding Components, JSX, and the Virtual DOM – Tutorial #2

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React for Beginners Tutorial #2

React for Beginners Tutorial #2: Components, JSX, & Virtual DOM Explained!

Welcome to the second tutorial in our React for Beginners series! In this tutorial, we will be diving into three essential concepts in React: Components, JSX, and the Virtual DOM.


Components are the building blocks of a React application. They are reusable pieces of code that encapsulate a specific piece of functionality or user interface. In React, components can be either class-based or functional. Class-based components extend the React.Component class, while functional components are defined as JavaScript functions.


JSX is a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code within your JavaScript files. JSX makes it easier to create and manipulate components in React. When you write JSX code, it gets compiled into regular JavaScript code using Babel.

Virtual DOM

The Virtual DOM is a lightweight representation of the real DOM in a React application. When you make changes to the state or props of a component, React updates the Virtual DOM first, compares it with the real DOM, and then only updates the parts of the real DOM that have changed. This process is what makes React fast and efficient.

That’s it for this tutorial! We hope you now have a better understanding of components, JSX, and the Virtual DOM in React. Stay tuned for more tutorials in our React for Beginners series!