React JS Bangla Tutorial Series: Exploring the Difference Between React Composition and Inheritance

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React Composition vs Inheritance | React JS Bangla Tutorial Series

React Composition vs Inheritance

Welcome to the React JS Bangla Tutorial Series! In this article, we will discuss the concepts of composition and inheritance in React.


In React, composition is the concept of combining multiple components to create a new component. This allows for reusability and modularity, as components can be composed in various ways to build complex UI elements. Composition is achieved by nesting components within other components, passing props and state down the component hierarchy, and handling events and callbacks.


Inheritance, on the other hand, is the concept of creating a component by extending another component. In React, inheritance is not recommended as the primary mechanism for component reuse. While it is possible to use inheritance through class components, functional components and hooks provide a more flexible and composable way to build UI.

Composition over Inheritance

The React community generally advocates for composition over inheritance. This is because composition allows for better code organization, encapsulation, and reusability. It also promotes the use of functional patterns and enables better component composition and logic separation.


In this article, we have discussed the concepts of composition and inheritance in React. We have seen that composition is a powerful and flexible mechanism for building UI, while inheritance is not recommended as the primary mechanism for component reuse. By embracing composition over inheritance, developers can build more maintainable and scalable React applications.

Thank you for reading the React JS Bangla Tutorial Series. Stay tuned for more articles on React and other web development topics!

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6 months ago

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6 months ago

Inheritance example 13:00
Composition example 32:00