React js Bangla Tutorial Series: Understanding the useState Hook and React Hooks

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useState Hook | React Hooks | React js Bangla Tutorial Series

Welcome to React js Bangla Tutorial Series

In this tutorial, we will cover the useState hook in React. The useState hook is a built-in hook in React that allows you to add state to functional components. This means you can use state in your functional components without having to convert them to class components.

To use the useState hook, you need to import it from the ‘react’ package. You can do this using the following code:

            import React, { useState } from 'react';

Once you have imported the useState hook, you can use it in your functional component. The useState hook returns an array with two elements: the current state value and a function that allows you to update the state. Here’s an example of how you can use the useState hook:

            const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

In this example, we are using the useState hook to add a state called ‘count’ to our component. We initialize the state with a value of 0. The ‘setCount’ function can be used to update the value of the ‘count’ state.

Here’s a complete example of how you can use the useState hook in a functional component:

            import React, { useState } from 'react';
            function Counter() {
                const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
                return (

Count: {count}

); } export default Counter;

As you can see, the useState hook allows you to easily add and manage state in your functional components. This makes it much easier to work with state in React and can help you write cleaner and more readable code.

We hope this tutorial has been helpful in explaining how to use the useState hook in React. Stay tuned for more tutorials in our React js Bangla Tutorial Series!

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Coding Club Bangladesh
7 months ago

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Ferdous Alam
7 months ago

useState Hook class component example 4:45
useState Hook functionalcomponent example 10:00
TODO APP 22:30