
React Native Finally Implemented a Much-Needed Update

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React Native has made a long overdue change that has greatly improved the development experience for developers. In this tutorial, we will explore the changes that have been made and how they can benefit you as a developer. We will also discuss how to implement these changes in your own projects using HTML tags.

One of the biggest changes that React Native has made is the addition of better support for modern JavaScript syntax. This includes support for ES6 and ES7 features such as arrow functions, spread syntax, and destructuring. This change makes it much easier to write clean and concise code, and helps to make your code more readable and maintainable.

To take advantage of these modern JavaScript features in your React Native project, you will need to ensure that your project is using the latest version of React Native. You can do this by running the following command in your project’s root directory:

npm install react-native

Once you have updated React Native to the latest version, you can start using modern JavaScript syntax in your project. For example, you can now use arrow functions to define function components like this:

const App = () => {
  return (
      <Text>Hello, World!</Text>

You can also use destructuring to extract values from objects and arrays like this:

const person = { name: 'John', age: 30 };
const { name, age } = person;

console.log(name); // output: John
console.log(age); // output: 30

Another important change that React Native has made is the addition of better support for Flexbox layout. Flexbox is a powerful layout system that allows you to create complex layouts with ease. With the new changes in React Native, you can now use Flexbox more effectively in your projects.

To take advantage of Flexbox in your React Native project, you can use the following HTML tags:

<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'space-between' }}>

In this example, we have used the View component to create a row layout with three text components. We have set the flexDirection property to ‘row’ to create a row layout, and the justifyContent property to ‘space-between’ to evenly distribute the three text components along the row.

By utilizing modern JavaScript syntax and Flexbox layout in your React Native project, you can create more efficient and maintainable code. These changes have made React Native a more powerful and flexible tool for building cross-platform mobile applications.

In conclusion, React Native has made a long overdue change that has greatly improved the development experience for developers. By using modern JavaScript syntax and Flexbox layout in your projects, you can take advantage of these improvements and build better mobile applications. I hope this tutorial has been helpful in showing you how to implement these changes in your own projects using HTML tags. Happy coding!

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2 months ago

Having issues in expo with assets loading in the ios and android versions. It works fine in web, but has various errors with loading GLTF, .png etc in the other formats. Anyone know a solution for that?

2 months ago

i am stuck in a problem that i have my own website live so i am building my app also so whem i try to fetch data from my live url using axios it got me an error axios error but when i run that app with localhost then works perfectly why is that?

2 months ago

i always go with rn cli , why should i use framwork of framework, i use expo , i think it is not good for production

2 months ago

personally i used to hate expo and worked two years with bare RN, i faced a lot of pains but fine ending up on contributing in 42 projects in two years, two years ago internally they agreed to use Expo i wasn't a fan of using it but honestly switching to expo was the best thing i've did in my career really it saved me a lot of times especially upgrading, CI/CA, handling native folders etcetc best thing i've did in my career switching to expo

2 months ago

Steve Jobs was not fired from Apple.

2 months ago

wth this video was about

2 months ago

Okay, I have listened intently. And here is my conclusions:
1. No new desire to start using EXPO or any other shit suddenly appeared in my head. Moreover, it made to want more to drop using EXPO in all my projects.
2. What fucking do you mean by "server driven UI" is fucking hard so Google have to invent new stuff to do that? Excuse me, a bunch of native controls is a bunch of native controls, and you always could create any control at any moment you wanted to display data you have. Just do it! You do not need yet another fucked markup language to be able to do that.

2 months ago

Thank you. this was really insightful

2 months ago

A had some criticism about using expo on my last job. Got a lot of packages combatibility issues, that sucks. Now I'm setted on a vanila RN project and God, i do missing expo. The prebuild part was so good

2 months ago

expo is good only if you just need barebones app that is basically just a copy of your webapp. any additional native mobile functionality and it is pain. i guess this decision shows what most people use RN for 🙁

2 months ago


2 months ago

Today I wasted the wholde day to export apk from my hello world project using: eas build –local and with no luck the error logs never ends for a empty/blank app

2 months ago

second that on upgrading react native version

2 months ago

Disagree, By forcing us to use expo is the real pain. We are way less flexible, less in control and we are dependant on a company that can lock and monetize its platform any day. I will stick to cli no matter what. I'd rather configure more things than risk being locked.

2 months ago

I wonder what Theo thinks of MojoCSS vs Tailwind?

2 months ago

0:47 started using react native back in 2016 December and never used all those things you mentioned. React native cli always came with everything I just start developing.

2 months ago

Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript.
JS the overlord

2 months ago

I am one of those people who built RN projects from scratch way back when; it was HELL. Thank goodness we have come far enough that it takes mere minutes to spool up a RN project. 🙌

2 months ago

please shave you were so hot in your older videos

2 months ago

I can now build iOS apps on windows 😅😅, perfect