React postMessage() Protocol Tutorial – JavaScript Tutorials #1

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Window postMessage() protocol using React

Window postMessage() protocol using React

In React applications, communication between different windows or iframes can be achieved using the window.postMessage() protocol. This feature allows us to send messages between windows securely without having to worry about cross-origin restrictions.

To use the window.postMessage() protocol in a React application, you can define a function that will handle the message received from another window. Here’s an example of how you can set up this communication:

            function handleMessage(event) {
                // Handle the message received from another window
                console.log('Message received:',;

            useEffect(() => {
                // Add an event listener to listen for messages
                window.addEventListener('message', handleMessage);

                // Clean up the event listener when the component is unmounted
                return () => {
                    window.removeEventListener('message', handleMessage);
            }, []);

In the code snippet above, we define a function called handleMessage that logs the message received from another window. We then attach an event listener to the window object using the window.addEventListener() method. This event listener listens for messages and calls the handleMessage function when a message is received.

It’s important to clean up the event listener when the component is unmounted to prevent memory leaks. This can be done by returning a cleanup function in the useEffect() hook.

With the window.postMessage() protocol, you can send messages between different windows or iframes in a React application. This can be useful for implementing features like embedded widgets, authentication flows, and more.

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2 months ago

good video

2 months ago

Can we create connections between two other browser i.e, connection between edge and chrome.

2 months ago

thanks you, please explain how can i post data from parent to child with postmessage and open window