Reactive Forms vs Template-Driven Forms in Angular: A Comparison with an Angular Form Example

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Template Driven Forms vs Reactive Forms in Angular

Template Driven Forms vs Reactive Forms in Angular

Angular provides two different ways to create forms – template driven forms and reactive forms. Both approaches have their own advantages and drawbacks, and it’s important to understand the differences between them in order to choose the right approach for your project.

Template Driven Forms

Template driven forms are built using template-driven directives in the template. The form is created and manipulated using directives and bindings in the template. These forms are easier to use and understand for simple forms, as they rely on directives to handle form logic.

Advantages of Template Driven Forms:

  • Easier to create and implement for simple forms
  • Simple and easy to understand for beginners
  • Automatic synchronization between the form and the model

Disadvantages of Template Driven Forms:

  • Not suitable for complex forms with a lot of validation and dynamic form controls
  • More difficult to unit test

Reactive Forms

Reactive forms are built using the Angular FormBuilder service to create and manipulate the form in the component class. These forms are more flexible and maintainable, as they provide more control over the form and its validation logic.

Advantages of Reactive Forms:

  • More flexible and maintainable for complex forms
  • Better control over form validation and dynamic form controls
  • Easier to unit test

Disadvantages of Reactive Forms:

  • More code and boilerplate required compared to template driven forms
  • Steep learning curve for beginners


When choosing between template driven forms and reactive forms in Angular, it’s important to consider the complexity of the form and the specific requirements of the project. Template driven forms are simpler and easier to use for basic forms, while reactive forms provide more control and flexibility for complex forms with a lot of validation and dynamic form controls.

Ultimately, the decision between template driven forms and reactive forms will depend on the specific needs of the project and the experience level of the developers working on it.

Example Angular Form:

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6 months ago

by seeing the form in website how can we recognize which approach is used to create form