Real-time Personal Chat Application with User Online/Offline Status using Django Channels and Websockets #django #websockets

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Personal Chat Application using Django Channels

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Personal Chat Application using Django Channels

Django Channels is a project that extends Django to handle real-time WebSockets, allowing you to build chat applications and other real-time features in your Django application. In this article, we will build a personal chat application using Django Channels and demonstrate how to show users’ online/offline status using websockets.

Setting up Django Channels

To use Django Channels, you will first need to install the package using pip:

pip install channels

Once installed, you can configure Django Channels in your Django settings and routing files.

Building the Personal Chat Application

With Django Channels set up, we can start building our personal chat application. We will create a simple chat room where users can send and receive messages in real-time using websockets.

Adding Users’ Online/Offline Status

One useful feature for a chat application is to show the online/offline status of users. We can achieve this using Django Channels by keeping track of the connected clients and updating their status in the frontend.


With Django Channels and websockets, we have built a personal chat application that allows users to send and receive messages in real-time. We have also demonstrated how to show users’ online/offline status using websockets. This opens up a wide range of possibilities for building real-time features in Django applications.


#django #websockets #chatapplication

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6 months ago

I have implemented the functionality to send message by pressing ENTER button from keyboard should I open a PR to contribute it or you have already implemented it, doesn't seem though

6 months ago

goood thank

6 months ago

Thank you so much 👍👋👌🫡🤝🙏🏻✌️🫰🏻👏😎

6 months ago

i didn understand why the need to use signals? since we can use just the websocket on receive function to propagate status back to front (like we do with the chat messages) end java script onmessage function and update the DOM??

6 months ago

Can u include image sending

6 months ago

My beforeunload event is not changing the status automatically, it change only when i refresh the page. Does the beforeunload event work this way?

6 months ago

'Promo SM'

6 months ago

how to create model and model functionality where is this section video??

6 months ago

sir does status change upon refreshing the page or automatically? my status ic changing upon refreshing the page

6 months ago

Hello brother,

in fact I have an error at the level of the 3rd part where we write the messages to display them.

here is the error ==> WebSocket is already in CLOSING or CLOSED state.

6 months ago

Sir please also make calling functionally.

6 months ago

Was eagerly waiting for this