
Reasons for my Decision to Stop Using NextJS for My Side Project

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Why I Don’t Use NextJS For My Side Project Anymore

Why I Don’t Use NextJS For My Side Project Anymore

When I first started my side project, I was drawn to NextJS for its reputation of being a powerful and flexible framework for building web applications. However, as I delved deeper into the development process, I found that NextJS was not the best fit for my specific needs. Here are a few reasons why I no longer use NextJS for my side project:

Lack of Flexibility

One of the main reasons I decided to move away from NextJS is its lack of flexibility. While NextJS offers a lot of built-in features and conventions, I found that it was difficult to customize certain aspects of my project. This limited my ability to create a unique and tailored experience for my users.

Performance Concerns

Another issue I encountered with NextJS was performance concerns. The framework includes server-side rendering out of the box, which can lead to slower load times and render times, especially for larger applications. I found that this negatively impacted the overall user experience, and I was not able to optimize performance to the level I desired.

Complexity Overkill

NextJS is a feature-rich framework, which can be a blessing and a curse. I found that the complexity of the framework was overkill for my side project, leading to unnecessary overhead and a steeper learning curve. I realized that I did not need all of the bells and whistles that NextJS offers, and a simpler, more lightweight solution would better suit my needs.

Alternative Solutions

After exploring other options, I ultimately decided to switch to a different framework that better aligned with my project requirements. I found that this new framework offered the level of flexibility and performance that I was looking for, without the complexity and limitations of NextJS.


While NextJS has its merits and can be a great fit for many projects, it ultimately did not meet my specific needs for my side project. As a result, I made the decision to move away from NextJS and explore alternative solutions that better aligned with my goals. It’s important to evaluate and re-evaluate the tools and frameworks you use in your projects to ensure they are the best fit for your unique requirements.

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Haifeng Zhu
7 months ago

is SvelteKit free?

Haifeng Zhu
7 months ago

hi, what backend is needed to develop ecommerce site with next js

Ahmad Adi Iskandar Ubaidah
7 months ago

Josh, can svelte kit do some animation by keeping the best performance, i mean the animation is just like fade in, fade out, etc

Mario Luis
7 months ago

I'm a full stack engineer, and also do Swift development. Since I already have to handle Swift, Java (Spring framework), and React (Next.js) I think learning other frontend frameworks would be a colossal waste of time. If I were a frontend-only developer, then yes, multiple frontend frameworks would be a good idea.

Mario Alberto Castro Fontemachi
7 months ago

Hi! I have to create an app with dashboard, big tables with a lot data, paginations, columns order,etc. What you recommend me? Nextjs, React or Laravel with jQuery for example? Thanks for your response

Naive One
7 months ago

Could you explain how express js solve this next js problem. I don't know express js and many people knowing only next js will be like to see how express js over comes this problem. Please make video on it next js vs express js ,only consider 3 fact (mentioned in above video) while comparing🙏 . There are no proper source on internet, present explanation are hard to understand. Please make video on it.

7 months ago

idk. i think having all these frame works is bad. we shouldn't need to learn a new frame work every 6 months. I think it's better to learn how to do the basics properly (HTMLS, CSS, JS) then chose one of the popular frameworks and learn that. constantly learning different frameworks seems like a recipie for rapid burnout

7 months ago

Svelte needs good UI libraries and after that I'm sure it'll beat React and Nextjs.
It's so intuitive.

Dan Z
7 months ago

I have a hammer does 90% of the work well and 10% OK. Why would I learn other less used frameworks that may not exist after 6 months ? I understand Its about personal interest, I'd rather invest my limited time to other areas that broaden my kownledge, such as cloud, backend or system design. Time is limited have to use it wisely.

7 months ago

Like 666! Hail Stan!

Csaba Sörös
7 months ago

At work we used Lit Webcompionents and THAT can make fast webpages. It is pure HTML at the end 😀

7 months ago

The Phoenix Framework is really interesting and especially Phoenix LiveView, which provides a stateful connection between the server and the client where client-specific server-sided state is really easy to manage, and Laravel Livewire does really similar stuff

7 months ago

WordPress isn't inherently slow. Poorly implemented WordPress plugins and themes can make a WordPress site slow.

7 months ago

SvelteKit makes building so much easier and it runs faster than NextJs because there is No virtual DOM for Svelte!

David Dozer
7 months ago

what application do you use in recording the audio

Yuvraj Singh
7 months ago

How do you get freelance projects ?

Ifeanyi Okonkwo
7 months ago

I believe if u know just react, u are fine . I know Next js but I still haven’t found a use case that just React wouldn’t do. If I need server rendering , I use php which I had always known even before picking React .

Nima Malayeri
7 months ago

I achived 100% lighthouse on a massive headless CMS, but on recent update nextjs is vert anoyying when you wanna work with i18n

7 months ago

Wouldn't astro with react also be a good choice? Since you can use all of the packages from the react ecosystem and still get very high lighthouse scores

Owen Wexler
7 months ago

I use NextJS every day for a big enterprise grade app but for smaller apps it's overkill

For smaller apps the KISS stack (Astro, Solid, Pocketbase) has potential… def going to try it out in the future.