
Reasons for Utilizing GitHub as Our Content Management System

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Why and How We Use GitHub as Our CMS

Why and How We Use GitHub as Our CMS

GitHub is a popular platform for version control, but it can also be an effective content management system (CMS) for managing website content. Here are some reasons why we have chosen to use GitHub as our CMS:

Version Control

GitHub provides robust version control capabilities, allowing us to keep track of changes to our website content over time. This makes it easy to roll back to previous versions if necessary and ensures that all team members are working with the most up-to-date content.


GitHub allows multiple team members to collaborate on website content simultaneously. Each team member can create their own branch to work on, and then merge their changes back into the main branch when they are ready. This makes it easy for us to work together on content updates and changes.

Content Reusability

GitHub allows us to store content in reusable components, such as markdown files or HTML templates. This makes it easy to maintain consistency across our website and reuse content in multiple places. It also makes it easy to update content in one place and have those changes reflected throughout the site.

How We Use GitHub as Our CMS

To use GitHub as our CMS, we store our website content in markdown files within a GitHub repository. Each page of our website is represented by a markdown file, and we use HTML templates to structure and style the content. We use GitHub actions to automatically deploy changes to our live website whenever content is pushed to the main branch.

Overall, GitHub has proven to be a powerful and flexible CMS for managing our website content. Its version control capabilities, collaboration features, and content reusability make it an ideal choice for our team. We look forward to continuing to use GitHub to manage our website content in the future.

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1 month ago

I agree, GitHub seems like an underrated CMS. I'm currently preparing a tutorial on it.

1 month ago

Nice to know it

1 month ago

Hey, if the content data become more complex?. For example portfolio website that has different and many kind of layout and data ?