
Reformatted Title: The Latest Architecture of React Native

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The New React Native Architecture

The New React Native Architecture

React Native is a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript and React. Recently, the React Native team introduced a new architecture that aims to make the framework more efficient and scalable.

Key Features of the New Architecture

  • Fiber Reconciliation: One of the key improvements in the new architecture is the introduction of Fiber Reconciliation. This new algorithm allows React Native to prioritize rendering updates based on their importance, resulting in faster and more responsive user interfaces.
  • Improvements to Bridge Communication: The new architecture includes optimizations to the communication between JavaScript and native code, making data transfer more efficient and reducing the performance overhead.
  • Enhanced Developer Tools: The new architecture also comes with enhanced developer tools that provide better insight into app performance and help developers identify and fix performance bottlenecks more easily.
  • Improved Gesture Handling: React Native now offers improved gesture handling capabilities, allowing developers to create more interactive and touch-responsive UIs with less effort.

Benefits of the New Architecture

The new React Native architecture brings several benefits to developers and users alike:

  • Improved Performance: By optimizing rendering and communication processes, the new architecture improves app performance, leading to smoother animations and faster response times.
  • Scalability: The new architecture is designed to be more scalable, allowing developers to build larger and more complex applications with ease.
  • Easier Debugging: With enhanced developer tools, debugging and optimizing React Native apps becomes easier and more efficient.
  • Enhanced User Experience: The improvements in gesture handling and performance help create a better user experience, making React Native apps more engaging and user-friendly.


The new React Native architecture brings significant improvements to the framework, making it more efficient, scalable, and user-friendly. These enhancements will benefit both developers and users, ensuring that React Native remains a top choice for building cross-platform mobile apps in the future.

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2 months ago

YOU SHOULD GO TO CHAIN REACT IT'S REALLY COOL (AND I GET PAID IF YOU BUY A TICKET WITH MY DISCOUNT CODE) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chain-react-2024-the-us-react-native-conference-tickets-795740971667?discount=theo

2 months ago

Is JSI usable outside of react native? Does this mean we can get something like a performant numpy alternative for js?

2 months ago

JSI is not just for C++ 😀 JSI bridges Android and iOS native methods to JavaScriptCore. Your native Kotlin/Swift/Java/Objective-C method can use a native method as callback when calling javascript. Or you can add JSI specs to your native objects/methods and expose them to javascript directly.

2 months ago

they should change the core oof js itself i mean their interpreters like v8,spidermonky and shi**

2 months ago

So React Native Skia is not a part of the New Architecture right? If that is the case then why would you use New Architecture over Skia?

2 months ago

Can you suggest Channel to learn React Native on YouTube or any other resource other than documentation

2 months ago

🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:00 🛠️ React Native's core has been rebuilt for speed, scalability, and easier integration of native code.
01:23 🔄 Experimental opt-in for the new architecture started at React Native 0.68, with ongoing improvements.
02:04 🏢 Major tech companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Shopify contribute to React Native's development.
04:00 📐 Synchronous layout updates in the new architecture prevent visual jumps and improve UI stability.
07:59 🔄 Concurrent rendering in React Native 18+ enhances UI performance with automatic batching.
10:46 📡 JSI (JavaScript Interface) facilitates seamless interaction between JavaScript and C++ for improved performance and access to native functionalities.
13:32 📷 JSI enables real-time frame processing in libraries like Vision Camera, opening possibilities for high-performance applications.
16:46 💨 JSI adoption reduces serialization work, resulting in faster rendering and improved benchmarks.
18:22 📱 React Native's performance improvements bring it closer to iOS performance expectations, addressing long-standing concerns.
19:45 🔄 Enabling the new React Native architecture may require code refactoring to leverage new capabilities like synchronous layout effects or concurrent features.
20:12 📊 Flash list, a new list component, significantly improves performance in React Native for long lists with a large amount of data, offering up to 5x better FPS on the UI thread and 10x+ better on the JS thread.
21:49 🛠️ The new React Native architecture simplifies rendering lists that perform well across different platforms, making it easier for developers.
22:04 💡 The new architecture is essential for building server components in React Native, indicating a shift towards full-stack development for React Native developers.
24:25 ⚠️ For most production apps, it's not recommended to enable the new architecture today, as it's still considered experimental. Official release by the end of 2024 is expected for better adoption.

2 months ago

I did a POC building a React Native app which calls FluidSynth in the C++ layer to play a MIDI file using a sound font. What I thought was impossible now just works flawlessly (if you are ready to get your hands dirty with C++).

2 months ago

JSI is basically what NativeScript does?

2 months ago

need that swift code

2 months ago

Agreed with you on Next.js. I am using the Next.js app router in a complex project, and it really sucks. I am facing a lot of problems with it. I am repenting on my decision to use app router instead of page router.

2 months ago

NativeScript has the JSI support since forever 😅

2 months ago

Hey, is it possible to dockerize a react native project, if yes how?

2 months ago

I love comparing speed on 300-400$ cheaper and 2 times slower device and commenting about 2 times difference in speed is OS fault while it's 2 times slower in synthetic benchmarks too 🙂

P.S. It did have 90hz display (vs 60), usb-c (vs lightning), better camera perf (except video), cheaper price (650+ vs 1000+), and sideloading, so I see why people would buy it, but hardware was not faster.

2 months ago

Do you have any valuable video?

2 months ago

This is a huge nothing burger. What is the problem being solved here, or even the issue being improved?

2 months ago

no one cares of how good it will feel in ios prison

2 months ago

🤏small correction, Suspense works without new architecture, what doesn’t works is useTransition

2 months ago

So they started using ffi a lot more? And that’s somehow mind blowing?

2 months ago

What browser is Theo using?