
Reimagining Component Patterns for Vue 3

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New Component Patterns for Vue 3

New Component Patterns for Vue 3

Vue 3, the latest version of the popular JavaScript framework, introduces new component patterns that enhance the development process and improve code reusability. These patterns make it easier for developers to create powerful and maintainable applications.

1. Composition API

The Composition API is one of the most exciting features introduced in Vue 3. It allows developers to organize component logic into reusable functions, making code easier to read and maintain. With the Composition API, you can encapsulate related logic and share it across multiple components without relying on mixins or complex inheritance hierarchies.

2. Teleport

Teleport is a new feature in Vue 3 that allows you to render a component’s content at a different location in the DOM. This is particularly useful when you need to render a modal or popover outside of the component hierarchy. Teleport ensures that the component’s content remains in the correct position in the DOM, even when the component itself is re-rendered or moved.

3. Fragments

Vue 3 introduces fragments, which allow you to group multiple elements without introducing an extra wrapper element. This is helpful when you need to return multiple elements from a component, such as in a v-for loop, without adding unnecessary markup to the DOM. Fragments ensure that your HTML structure remains clean and concise.

4. Suspense

Suspense is a new feature in Vue 3 that simplifies asynchronous rendering and supports handling of loading states. With Suspense, you can define a fallback component to display while the main component is loading. This eliminates the need for complex conditional rendering and simplifies the management of loading states in your application.

5. TypeScript Support

While TypeScript support was available in Vue 2, it has been significantly improved in Vue 3. The new version provides better type inference, allowing for more robust code and reducing the risk of runtime errors. TypeScript support enables developers to catch errors early in the development process and provides better IDE integration with enhanced autocompletion and type-aware API documentation.


Vue 3 brings several new component patterns that enhance development productivity, code reusability, and maintainability. The Composition API allows for better organization and sharing of component logic, while Teleport enables rendering of components outside of the component hierarchy. Fragments eliminate the need for unnecessary wrapping elements, and Suspense simplifies asynchronous rendering and loading states. Additionally, the improved TypeScript support ensures more reliable and type-safe applications. These new patterns make Vue 3 an even more powerful framework for building modern web applications.

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Vue Mastery
7 months ago

FYI💡 We have an entire library of premium Vue courses for all skill levels filled with detailed explanations like this one. You can dive in here: https://buff.ly/3GptTTS

Gazi Salah Uddin
7 months ago

Thanks a lot. Loved it

Vlad Shepeluk
7 months ago

Hi! Thanks great job ❤ Is it possible to use context in setup syntax?

MJ Montes
7 months ago

awesome 🤓

Zare Na
7 months ago


Zlatko Iliev
7 months ago

Basically, stealing ideas from React 😂

7 months ago

There is a risk of vue macro for typescript Will blow it sometime?

tian qing
7 months ago

i am curious what software you used to create this video?

Pranav Raykar
7 months ago

Hey, @14:48 for defining default prop value we can further simplify by making use of '||' OR operator returning left operand if true or else right operand (default value) for eg:-

count:_props.count || -1;

Victor Neves
7 months ago

I have a question about defining props using TS annotation. How can we use validator?

7 months ago

Функциональные компоненты жижа какая-то

7 months ago

Thanks for this. I've been using Vue for about 3 years now and have been procrastinating learning the new APIs but it seems much simpler than I expected (thanks to your teaching skills, no doubt) 🙂

Henk Spaaij
7 months ago

Very well articulated and explained. Thank you!

Mahmoud AlMontasser
7 months ago

Vue is turning into React 😂

Alvin Indra
7 months ago

Why template need below in script setup?

Abylay san Duzel
7 months ago

You really look like Kazakh)

dark lunar
7 months ago

I'm still love options api. the compsition api may do some things better, so we probably will switch to hybird components, but it's hard to convince me to use setup script.

Jacob Hassel
7 months ago

Great vid! Really excited about Vue 3 and using script setup with typescript. Unfortunately I can't migrate to Vue 3 until the libraries we use start supporting it, specifically Vuetify. It could be another year before we can upgrade 😢.

Darren G
7 months ago

Sadly vue 3 is a step backward in my opinion. All kinds of unecessary syntax. Deviates from the simple class model that made vue easy.

7 months ago

How do you name a component in script setup?