Rendering Lists in Vue.js – Episode 8

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Vue.js – Ep. 8 List rendering

Vue.js – Ep. 8 List rendering

In this episode, we will discuss list rendering in Vue.js. List rendering is a common task in web development, and Vue.js makes it easy to render lists of items using a simple and intuitive syntax.

v-for directive

The v-for directive is used to render a list of items in Vue.js. It has a similar syntax to the v-if directive, but it is used to iterate over an array and render each item in the array. Here’s an example:

  <li v-for="item in items" :key="">
    {{ }}

In this example, we use the v-for directive to iterate over an array called items. For each item in the array, we render a list item with the item’s name. The :key attribute is used to provide a unique key for each item in the list, which helps Vue.js efficiently update the DOM when the list changes.

Rendering multiple items

You can also use the v-for directive to render multiple items in a list, just like in the example above. Here’s an example of rendering multiple items with v-for:

  <li v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
    {{ item }}

In this example, we use the v-for directive to iterate over an array called items. For each item in the array, we render a list item with the item’s value. We also use the index variable to provide a unique key for each item in the list.


List rendering is a common task in web development, and Vue.js provides a simple and powerful syntax for rendering lists of items. The v-for directive makes it easy to iterate over arrays and render each item in the array. We hope this episode has helped you understand list rendering in Vue.js and how to use the v-for directive to render lists of items in your Vue.js applications.