
Rendering on the Server with Shared State

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Server Rendering and Global State

Server Rendering and Global State

Server rendering is the process of generating the initial HTML content on the server before sending it to the client’s browser. This can improve performance and ensure that content is accessible even if JavaScript fails to load. One key consideration in server rendering is managing global state.

Global State

Global state refers to data that is shared across various components in an application. This could include user authentication status, theme preferences, or data fetched from an API. Managing global state is crucial for ensuring that components have access to the data they need without passing props down through multiple levels of the component hierarchy.

Challenges of Server Rendering with Global State

One challenge of server rendering with global state is ensuring that the state is consistent between the server and the client. Since the server generates the initial HTML content, it’s important to make sure that the client-side JavaScript can pick up where the server left off and continue to manage the global state effectively.

Another challenge is maintaining the global state across multiple server-side requests. If a user navigates to different pages within the application, the server must be able to maintain the global state throughout these transitions. This can be achieved through techniques such as session management and caching.

Best Practices for Server Rendering with Global State

There are several best practices that can help ensure a smooth server rendering experience with global state:

  • Use a state management library such as Redux or MobX to manage global state consistently across the server and client.
  • Consider using server-side rendering frameworks like Next.js or Nuxt.js that provide built-in support for server rendering with global state.
  • Ensure that the global state is serialized and sent to the client-side JavaScript in a way that allows it to be rehydrated on the client.

Server rendering and global state are key concepts in modern web development. By properly managing global state and ensuring consistency between the server and client, developers can create applications that are fast, reliable, and accessible. With the right tools and techniques, server rendering with global state can be a powerful way to optimize performance and provide a seamless user experience.

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4 months ago

I'm really confused, doesn't Pinia solve this ?

4 months ago

What Font and Theme are you using in your Code Editor?

4 months ago

I am used to working with C#.
Compilation errors are written immediately, and you know what you did wrong.
But working with JavaScript is always pain in the you know what.
Everybody knows a little and you have traps everywhere.
I really wish they would invest more in this.
Why can't there be a process wich checks your code while you're developing and shows you potential errors you can make?

4 months ago

Hey Daniel, thanks a lot! So which should be the appropriate way? To wrap the mutation in a runtime hook, e.g. onMounted?

4 months ago

Excellent video but the keyboard clickity-clackaty makes watching the video difficult 😔

4 months ago

we need nuxt 3 with apollo-client please

4 months ago

Excellent explanation! It’s really helpful logically stepping through the flow of the application. Thank you! 🙂

4 months ago

And how to solve this with SSR?

4 months ago

this type of content and lessons cannot be found on any other place imo , keep making them and thankYou
quest : would you please do a full tutorial/lesson on how to check the HTML coming from the server to see what is exactly going on in differenct scenarios ?

4 months ago

Good one Daniel. Would loved to have seen your proposed solutions to this as well though.

4 months ago

Fantastic Content ❤️ Please do continue these kind of video series ✨
Nuxt and Vue has the best DX but surely underrated, I'm glad that you and Alexander are making Nuxt related content.

4 months ago

Excellent explanation! 👏

Can we expect more videos like this?

4 months ago

It did help. Thanks. Hydration errors can be annoying at times, so I'm glad you shared this

4 months ago

Such simple demo and yet so powerful! Thanks again Daniel!

4 months ago

First of all thank you Daniel for making these videos and streaming on twitch, love to tune in! Personally I would love to see some videos on static generated pages when using headless CMS like WordPress/Directus, best practices and the challenges that comes along with it as there's not that much Nuxt focused content on these topics.

4 months ago

How to solve this ?

4 months ago

Thanks to the nuxt team for short and special videos

4 months ago

We need more of these contents. Quick and cristal clear at explaining Nuxt concepts.

4 months ago

Super helpful. Clear and to the point. Thanks Daniel!

4 months ago

Short and insightful, thank you!