Report: Biden Admits Doubting Gaza Death Toll and Ignoring Aides on Beheaded Babies Story

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In a shocking report released this week, it has been revealed that President Joe Biden ignored his aides who briefed him on a story about beheaded babies in Gaza, and also admitted that he wrongly doubted the death toll in the region. The revelations have sparked outrage and concern among both supporters and critics of the Biden administration.

The story about beheaded babies in Gaza first emerged in May during the 11-day conflict between Israel and Hamas. According to the report, aides to Biden briefed him on the story, but the president chose to ignore it, claiming that it was not supported by any factual evidence. This decision to dismiss the story has drawn criticism from many who believe that the president should have taken the reports more seriously, especially given the gravity of the situation in Gaza at the time.

Furthermore, President Biden also admitted that he wrongly doubted the death toll in Gaza during the conflict. According to the report, Biden initially pushed back against his aides’ assessment of the number of civilian casualties in Gaza, but later conceded that he had been wrong to do so. This admission has raised concerns about the president’s willingness to listen to his advisors and take their assessments into consideration when making important decisions.

The revelations about Biden’s handling of these critical issues have led to questions about his leadership and decision-making abilities. Many are calling for greater transparency and accountability from the Biden administration, as well as a more proactive approach to addressing the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.

It is essential for a president to listen to his advisors and consider all available information when making decisions that have significant international implications. Ignoring important reports and doubting credible assessments of the situation in Gaza has raised doubts about President Biden’s ability to effectively navigate complex foreign policy challenges.

As the leader of the United States, it is crucial for President Biden to demonstrate strong leadership and a commitment to upholding the values of compassion and human rights. Ignoring reports of beheaded babies and initially doubting the death toll in Gaza does not align with these values and raises serious questions about the president’s priorities and decision-making process.

Ultimately, the revelations about President Biden’s handling of the Gaza conflict underscore the importance of transparency, accountability, and empathy in international affairs. It is imperative for the Biden administration to learn from these missteps and take a more proactive and thoughtful approach to addressing complex and sensitive global issues in the future. Only then can the administration restore trust and confidence in its ability to effectively represent the interests of the United States on the world stage.

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7 months ago

It’s the same things all “these” pro Israel reporters are doing. That they have see proof of beheaded babies and tapes etc . But they can’t show us. Gimme a break ! What can you show me that is worst than horror movies ?

7 months ago

The Hill is still trying to sell the beheaded babies story judging from the headline and soft language.
When you repeat a LIE long enough

7 months ago

What about these babies?
– “Decomposing bodies of premature babies found in Gazas Al-Nasr children’s hospital”
– TRT World

Horrifying that staff and parents were led away at gunpoint leaving these babies to die

7 months ago

I called this the next day

7 months ago

Briahna Joy Gray provides insightful content. Robby, less so. Biden is a war criminal and will go down in history for funding genocide and making a democratic victory impossible in 2024

7 months ago

Biden aiding Israel in. War crimes Slaughtering children. And women

7 months ago

The fraudster M.P. Netanyahu passed his heinous lie on the mind of the senile and strange old man after he was involved in his crimes by massacring defenseless civilians by destroying their homes over their heads, supporting him with weapons, internationally banned bombs and missiles, and during the truce the Israeli army was active in killing children and civilians and arresting more than three thousand young people from the West Bank, and Biden did not move a finger to him.. .

7 months ago

Netanyahu is manipulating the old man Biden.

7 months ago

Follow the money….🤑

7 months ago

Biden not saying that means nothing he does not know what he had for breakfast!

7 months ago

Biden is guilty of misinformation. I guess we gotta indict him now with Trumped up charges. Let the games begin. Israel is fell for the trap.

7 months ago

Blackmail sitting on his shoulders…? Think about it! Who created Epstein’s World ?

7 months ago

Biden won’t withhold aid. Why? I think you know Brie.

7 months ago

Lying murderers. I will not vote for Biden again. Hopefully there will be a better option than Trump. If Trump has to win, at least I will know I’m dealing with the devil and not a devil in disguise.

7 months ago

Wow, listen to the so-called Libertarian defending Joe Biden! For lying!

7 months ago

I just want to know what's your source? what's the confirmed sources you're relying on about the babist hospital, knowing that isreal has bombarded 22 hospital after it

7 months ago

He want to run!😂😂😂😂😂

7 months ago


7 months ago

You know Robbie totally approved of Biden lying about beheaded babies. ALL ZIONISTS AND THEIR APOLOGISTS LIE!!!

7 months ago

We shouldn’t trust him anymore! Bibi run after him to ceep his but ! Shame on him!😂😂😂😂😂