Report: Gaza has Been Turned into a ‘Mass Assassination Factory’ by Israel

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A recent report has accused Israel of turning Gaza into ‘A Mass Assassination Factory’, claiming that the Israeli military has been unlawfully targeting Palestinian civilians in the region.

The report, released by the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor, alleges that Israel has been carrying out targeted killings and extrajudicial assassinations of Palestinian individuals in Gaza. These actions, according to the report, have resulted in the deaths of innocent civilians, including women and children.

The report also highlights the use of drones and other advanced technology by the Israeli military to carry out these targeted killings. It claims that these tactics have created a state of fear and anxiety among the Palestinian population in Gaza, as they never know when they may become the next target of an Israeli airstrike.

The report has sparked outrage and condemnation from human rights organizations and advocates around the world. Many have called on the international community to take action and hold Israel accountable for its actions in Gaza.

Israel has denied the report’s allegations, stating that its military operations in Gaza are conducted in accordance with international law and are aimed at targeting militants and terrorist organizations that pose a threat to Israel’s security.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian militant groups in Gaza has caused immense suffering and devastation for the people living in the region. The recent report alleging targeted killings and extrajudicial assassinations has only added to the tensions and human rights violations in the area.

The international community must carefully investigate the claims made in the report and take immediate measures to address the situation in Gaza. It is crucial to hold Israel accountable for any unlawful actions and to ensure the protection of innocent civilians in the region.

The situation in Gaza is a sobering reminder of the ongoing conflict and suffering in the region. It is imperative for all parties involved to come together and work towards a peaceful and just resolution for the benefit of the people living in Gaza.

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6 months ago

The word terrorist is over used, Hamas is employing guerrilla tactics to engage those with conventional weaponry. This is N Vietnam tactics in effect.

6 months ago

The Muslims are growing so fast in numbers from 9/11 million of Muslims have been killed.


Population deduction, and so slow down Islam in general to buy extra time.

Islam is still growing fast today in numbers even with all against them.

By 2050 most of Western Europe will be an Islamic state republic according to statistics 📈

Muslims have 4-8 children.

White Europeans have an average of 0-2 (declining in numbers for the past 100 years or so).


Western countries are run by money hungry people that have other intentions …

The only thing stopping them in there way is Islam ☪️

6 months ago

This is unreasonable move attack.. they don't have military intelligence Information so they using AI. Their information just based on assumptions. This craziness..

6 months ago

Who are the occupants friend? The Jews of Israel or the Palestinians? Why was it the Palestinian Syrians who usurped the Jewish lands in 134 AD with the support of Emperor Hadrian!!! They knew the land belonged to the Jews!!! and yet they usurped cities like Judea, today known as Palestine, killed 500,000 Jews and the world only came to consider their existence in 1948, they had already existed since the Kingdom of David and Solomon

6 months ago

Its no surprise IDF intentionally carried out to mass kill large numbers of people using AI. Bears resemblance to the Holocaust to inflict pain and suffering similarly what their ancestors suffered, the root cause from Europe. They don't bother with international law and forget about targets, so evil is their act because they kill children at close range anyway. Its so apparent those targets are indiscriminate and whether we call it a genocide or mass assassination their objectives is to wipe out the Palestinian people from the land. The truth is they are defeated. Free, free Palestine ❤

6 months ago

Mohon do'a dengan setulus hati semoga Palestina bisa bebas dari penjajahan yang sangat keji dan sadis

6 months ago

This. Is. The real Terrorism Israel qnd its allies. Are. The real terrorists

6 months ago

Да, мир изменился и люди освящаюшие эти приступление заслуживают уважении, нет фашиму под покровительтвом США-Европы.

6 months ago

Why these people were there when they were informed to evacuate d area.May be Ukraine incidents.No fool stay there.

6 months ago

Riyeal history settlers Zionist jewish total settlers Right Ansar

6 months ago

This is a preplanned war, it is fact and reality of current war in between Hamas and Israel, Israel wants to capture Gaza entirely for extension of Israel's territory, PM of Israel shown a new maps of Israel during recent general assembly of UN, where no existing of Gaza , everything's are moving accordingly to the secret blue print made by Israel ,USA and western alliances and there is no doubt at all.

6 months ago

The Khazars have already planned to get the trillion natural resources in Gaza but need a place without people

6 months ago

there are just 2mln gazans. why don't they flee to Egypt?

6 months ago

Ketika penjajah inggris membawa orang2 yahudi yang berfaham zionisme dari negara negara Eropa pada tahun 1918 sampai tahun 1947 ke negara Palestina dan orang orang imigran yahudi mendirikan negara israel pada tahun 1948 yang di dukung oleh negara inggris, Perancis dan Amerika. Pada saat itu Bangsa Palestina di jajah oleh Orang orang zionis yahudi israel,,, Pengusiran penduduk asli rakyat palestina dan pembantaian rakyat sipil bangsa palestina di lakukan dengan sangat Biadab dan sangat tidak manusiawi. Kenapa orang2 yahudi melakukan Dendam kepada rakyat Palestina kenapa zionis yahudi tidak membalas Dendam pada NAZI Jerman yg pernah melakukan Genosida pada orang2 yahudi di negara2 Eropa… Kenapa yahudi melakukan Dendamnya pada Bangsa Palestina yg beragama Muslim / islam…

6 months ago

They take civilians hostages and say are ham's crazy

6 months ago

Hamas themselves say they are least bothered about civilians but jihad is thier priority they are trying to follow that wild animal called Mohamed who lived 1400 year ago

6 months ago


6 months ago

Love for Palestinian people. Islam Zindabad..

6 months ago

I find it hard to believe a news item that starts with "there is a rumor." Why should you report a rumor?

6 months ago