Republican House members decline Hunter Biden’s proposal to testify openly before Congress | NewsNation Now

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The House GOP has rejected Hunter Biden’s offer to publicly testify before Congress, as reported by NewsNation Now. The son of President Joe Biden had offered to testify in front of Congress about his international business dealings in an effort to clear his name and address ongoing controversies surrounding his business ventures.

While Hunter Biden’s offer to testify may have seemed like a step in the right direction, House Republicans have viewed it with skepticism and have declined the offer. They argue that the offer is merely a distraction from the ongoing investigation into Biden’s business dealings and potential conflicts of interest.

The decision by House GOP to reject Hunter Biden’s offer to testify publicly comes as no surprise, given the continued scrutiny and criticism surrounding his international business dealings. Republicans have long accused Biden of using his father’s political influence to secure business deals in countries like China and Ukraine, and have called for greater transparency and accountability from the Biden family.

In response to the rejection, Hunter Biden’s lawyer issued a statement expressing disappointment and reiterated his client’s willingness to be transparent and cooperate with any investigation. Despite the setback, it is likely that Hunter Biden’s legal team will continue to pursue avenues to address the ongoing controversies and clear his name in the court of public opinion.

The decision by House GOP to reject Hunter Biden’s offer to testify publicly highlights the deep partisan divide surrounding the issue. Democrats have largely dismissed the allegations against Hunter Biden as politically motivated attacks, while Republicans insist on further investigation and oversight into his business dealings.

This latest development is likely to keep the issue of Hunter Biden’s business dealings in the spotlight, as it continues to be a source of contention and division within Congress. As the investigation and debate over this issue unfolds, it remains to be seen how it will impact the Biden administration and the political landscape as a whole.

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6 months ago

Deposition are always held behind closed doors. Comer has stated many times the hearing will be public. The Demurats are trying to cheat as usual, if what was said in a Deposition is public the witnesses can Tailor their testimony to fit what was said in the Deposition. Its a perjury trap to make sure the witnesses testifie truthfully. Demurats trying to cheat as usual!

6 months ago


6 months ago

gave James Comer what he asked for, now they are afraid of him in public?

6 months ago

Please if Biden had asked for private hearing they'd be whining and squealing that he's trying to hide something GTFO republican clown show.

6 months ago

The GOP won’t be able to lie about his testimony if he speaks publicly. They don’t want that. They want to be able to spread lies about him. I think you did the right thing. I wish you the best. And your dad is doing wonderful job is our president.

6 months ago

The mega supporters don't believe reality but the rest of America is slowly starting to see that the Republicans are nothing but liars and hypocrites if I was Hunter Biden I would sue every last one of them

6 months ago

Maga lies

6 months ago

Dacosta Republicans know he didn't do anything wrong and they're just trying to get political points which is backfiring

6 months ago

That's it i Am not voting for hunter Biden next year

6 months ago

Enough already. Have him testify in public. We all want to see this go down

6 months ago

Why not? They want to released the rioted videos on the January 6th. The person who has been found guilty of fraud and sexual attacked want to have tv in there when he is found guilty. Why not showed the country how the MAGA party is spending our money going after a private citizens?. Then again they might not know if Greene will show the world pictures of a young man who does what young men do when they are not married and have not promised God they will waited till they get married. She should understand pictures like those are not to be shown to the public. How would she feel if someone has pictures of her cheating on her ex husband?.

6 months ago

WTF? Why did you subpoena him for then??

6 months ago

He wants to come clean about the cocaine they found in the Whitehouse that was his!

6 months ago

When you know your enemy operates a great strategy is needed. What’s done behind closed doors is a deceptive tactic. #transparency

6 months ago

Well of course they did. The GOP knows there is nothing there at all. They don't want the answers because they know they won't like them.

6 months ago

Another blow to the disgrace republicans lol they wanna talk about transparency or lack there of but yet Hunter wants to public to hear the hearing so the nation can see the truth but yeah the GOP doesn’t want it public I mean come on how clear can this get they look stupid every day

6 months ago

I hope Jared Kushner makes the same move toward Democrats. 😂

6 months ago

terrible framing without the context that this committee usually doesnt do public hearings and that both sides will be given transcripts so theres little chance that republicans can obfuscate anything

6 months ago

Hunter: I want to get prosecuted and tell the truth!
Comer: No way, we are going to hide this until your dad makes a complete sentence, dammit.

6 months ago

Any private citizen without the last name Biden WOULD ALREADY BE IN PRISON!!!!