Republican Lawmaker Supports Impeachment Inquiry After $25 Million Goes to Biden Family

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In recent news, an eye-opening report has revealed that approximately $25 million dollars has flowed to members of the Biden family. This shocking revelation has prompted a GOP lawmaker to back the impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

The report, which was first published by the Washington Examiner, detailed how the Biden family has raked in millions of dollars through various business ventures and connections. According to the report, President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, has been involved in lucrative deals with foreign entities and individuals, raising serious concerns about potential conflicts of interest.

The GOP lawmaker, who has chosen to remain anonymous, has stated that the findings of the report are deeply troubling and warrant further investigation. They have expressed support for the impeachment inquiry into President Biden, citing the need for transparency and accountability in government.

The timing of this report is particularly significant, as President Biden has been facing mounting scrutiny over his administration’s handling of various issues, including the crisis at the southern border, rising inflation, and the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. The revelation of the Biden family’s financial dealings only adds to the growing list of controversies surrounding the current administration.

Critics of the Biden administration argue that the report raises serious questions about the integrity of the president and his family, and whether they have used their positions of power for personal gain. They believe that a thorough investigation is necessary to uncover the truth and hold those involved accountable.

On the other hand, supporters of President Biden have dismissed the report as politically motivated and baseless. They argue that the Biden family’s business dealings are above board and have been unfairly targeted by political opponents.

Regardless of one’s political allegiance, it is undeniable that the revelations about the Biden family’s financial dealings raise serious concerns. The American people deserve to know the truth about their elected officials and their families, and the impeachment inquiry may be the only way to uncover the full extent of the Biden family’s business dealings.

As the impeachment inquiry gains momentum, it is clear that the American public is eager for answers. The report about the $25 million flowing to members of the Biden family has sparked a national conversation about the ethics and transparency of our elected officials. It remains to be seen how the impeachment inquiry will unfold, but one thing is for certain: the truth must be revealed, and accountability must be upheld.

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6 months ago

He is NOT Worthy !

6 months ago

I will not vote rebublican again if this evidence turns out to be fake.

6 months ago

Thank you for this video.

6 months ago

Corrupt democrats

6 months ago

GOP keeps saying that they have evidence? Where is it? Hard to believe a Republican Party that has consistently proven that they can make accusations without showing any proof.

6 months ago

Striped pajamas under the tree for a good many Bidens.. poor grand kids.

6 months ago

Congress is the enabler . They know of all the crimes committed but do nothing unless someone else rings the fire alarm. Politicians in the US government are to cozy with big corporate and the pukes in the MIC. Robber barons inc.

6 months ago

. . . all about revenge, nothing else!

6 months ago

Democrat politicians picked the wrong puppet ( Joe Biden ) .
Very sad for America !

6 months ago

biden is a supporter of Hunter with money for him, Hunter and family !

6 months ago

Every American should sue the Biden family for stealing our money

6 months ago

The reason money is flowing to the Biden family and Trump family before that and all the other presidents has because they support Israel. This will bankrupt the US. I’m a disabled US veteran US Navy I love America, but the American government only cares about money into the congressman pocket. Money is evil and evil prevail for so long. The truth will be now when I don’t know.

6 months ago

Biden's need to engage Jarad as consultant to teach them how to get $2Billion from the Saudi's and not get impeached.

6 months ago

Even forbes publishing this now. Obviously the democrats are done with Biden now and theyre trying to get rid of him before he gets destroyed in the next election. The democrats are fascists and nobody stands a chance against Trump anyway…

6 months ago

10% for the BIG guy 😂😂😂😂

6 months ago

They sold us out. 🐝🐝

6 months ago

Ever notice how the $ Hunter got, was all from countries that aren't allies of America??

6 months ago


6 months ago

Investigate your own party and tRump and Jim Jordan.

6 months ago