Researcher Exposed Trans Database by Using Facial Recognition Images Without Consent

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Facial Recognition Researcher Left a Trans Database Exposed After Using Images Without Permission

Facial Recognition Researcher Left a Trans Database Exposed After Using Images Without Permission

Recently, a facial recognition researcher made headlines for leaving a trans database exposed after using images without permission. This incident has raised concerns about the ethics and privacy issues surrounding the use of facial recognition technology.

The researcher, who remains unnamed, reportedly used images of transgender individuals without their consent to train a facial recognition algorithm. This database was then left exposed online, allowing anyone to access and potentially misuse the sensitive information contained within.

This incident highlights the importance of obtaining proper consent and ensuring the security of sensitive data when conducting research involving facial recognition technology. It also serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of using such technology without considering the ethical implications.

Facial recognition technology has been the subject of much debate in recent years, with concerns being raised about its accuracy, bias, and implications for privacy and civil liberties. Incidents like this only serve to further fuel these concerns and highlight the need for greater oversight and regulation in the development and use of facial recognition technology.

As researchers and developers continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with facial recognition technology, it is crucial that they also prioritize the ethical considerations and potential risks involved. Otherwise, incidents like this one will continue to occur, putting individuals and their privacy at risk.

Ultimately, the responsibility lies with those who are developing and using facial recognition technology to ensure that it is being used responsibly and ethically. Only by doing so can we hope to mitigate the potential harms and risks associated with this powerful technology.

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4 months ago

CHEERS😘. You are missing out > P𝐫O𝕞O𝓢m !!!

4 months ago

Trans people can't help acting like 👸

4 months ago

Not sure if this was considered,… I see many people comment that they shouldnt have put the video on YouTube if they didn't want it seen/used, and the institution is saying 'its online willfully so we don't need to worry'… But surely it's against YouTube's policies to do to rip these videos? Surely it's against YouTube's rules to then reuse this data for other purposes? 🤔

4 months ago

lol immediately unsubscibed, this is not the kind of stuff i subbed this channel for, good riddance i would say

4 months ago

"it has never been done" 🙄 "funzies"…. 🙄 This person has zero idea the length terrorists will go to, the time and effort they will commit to achieve their warped goals. Anders Breivik claimed to have spent years planning his attack and formed a cover company 2 years in advance, he then disguised himself as a police officer. 15 years ago ETA terrorists created a manual on disguises, including using make up, wigs and how to change the shape of the face. The idea that someone who is deep enough in their belief, wouldn't justify to themselves using any method available to them, to change their appearance, is simply naive.

4 months ago

Lmao who cares

4 months ago

It’s like people think training machine learning and image recognition cares about your feelings… it doesn’t, there are databases for everything and it’s necessary to advance the field

4 months ago

to sum up… your afraid that doing this study will prejudice trans people as terrorists? i think it would be helpful for intelectual integrity for the researcher to acknowledge their bias.

4 months ago

OMG I cannot believe all the comments that cancel the lived experience of trans peoples lives. How selfish these comments. Imagine everyone cancelling YOUR lived experiences.

4 months ago

Your alarmbells should be ringing. Especially with all the trans extermination rhethoric going around right now.

4 months ago

Imagine uploading a video to YouTube and then being upset that people watched the video

4 months ago

"No one is transitioning for funsies." Not quite sure I would consider terrorism to be "funsies". A sufficiently motivated attacker would do a lot of things to defeat detection. Hell, 20 years ago the movie Die Another Day used racial transitioning as a major plot point for a terrorist to avoid detection…

4 months ago

You should probably act like you've done this before and are a professional organization and delete the first 6 minutes… 🤦🏼‍♂️

4 months ago

It's probably a data set that can detect people even after they change genders or if the original pictures were one gender making it recognize the same person as the other gender…

4 months ago

I'd love to see the IRB application, because the ethics of this is definitely broken.

4 months ago

J.esus Christ Returns, repent of sin and change your Way of living…   Y..A,,H.. is a egipt DEMON, BEWARE … (HalleluJAH is a PAGAN word)

4 months ago

Well leading a person to believe that you're something your not especially in a relationship and the other person doesn't know is sexual assault on top of that fucked up.

4 months ago

"Scraped videos of trans people from YouTube without permission"… even if it's for a good cause, it sounds underhanded.

4 months ago

Who uploads images? Who does not upload images? Images are copyright? Contracts, are there any? If we use YouTube, have we given YouTube the right to use facial recognition… to identify? As a society, we seem to be too concerned with mining data and producing leverage for private interests. Making way for The Good-N-Wholesome, as inferred by Badger, are for those living on the fringes of civilization, on the frontier. The Earth That Was keeps turning… regardless of who's living on it.

Serentiy — Earth-That-Was opening scene & The Story

4 months ago

You post yourself on YouTube and you forgo your privacy. They don't need permission if you post content in a public domain. It is akin to being photographed in public, you cannot stop someone from photographing you.