Resolving Errors when Using Keras to Predict Sentiment Data on Trained Model

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Keras – Prediction Errors

Keras – Predict on model after learning sentiment data throws errors

If you’ve been working with Keras to build and train machine learning models to analyze sentiment data, you may have encountered errors when trying to make predictions on your trained model. This article will address some common issues and provide solutions to help you successfully make predictions on your sentiment analysis model in Keras.

Issue 1: Model not being compiled

One common reason for errors when making predictions on a Keras model is that the model has not been compiled before attempting to use it for prediction. When training a model with Keras, it’s important to remember to compile the model using model.compile(). This step is necessary to define the loss function, optimizer, and metrics for the model, which are essential for making predictions.

To fix this issue, make sure to include the model.compile() step after defining the model architecture and before training the model. Here’s an example of how to compile a Keras model:

model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])

Issue 2: Incorrect input data shape

Another common reason for prediction errors in Keras is providing input data to the model in the wrong shape. For example, if your model was trained on sequences of words represented as one-hot encoded vectors, you need to ensure that your input data for prediction is also in the same shape and format.

To avoid this issue, double-check the input data shape and format before making predictions. If necessary, use preprocessing techniques to transform the input data into the correct shape and format for your model. Here’s an example of how to reshape input data for prediction:

input_data = preprocess_input_data(input_data)

Issue 3: Unseen input data

If you’re experiencing errors when making predictions on your sentiment analysis model, it’s possible that the input data you’re using for prediction contains unseen or out-of-distribution examples. Models trained on a specific dataset may struggle to make accurate predictions on data that is significantly different from what it was trained on.

To address this issue, consider re-evaluating your model’s performance on a diverse set of test data and identifying any areas where it struggles. You may need to retrain the model on a more representative dataset or incorporate techniques such as data augmentation to improve its generalization capabilities.


When working with Keras to build and train sentiment analysis models, it’s important to be aware of the potential issues that can arise when making predictions on trained models. By addressing common issues such as model compilation, input data shape, and unseen data, you can improve the performance and reliability of your sentiment analysis model in Keras.