Rethinking State Management in Angular: An Exploration of Angular Query

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Should we rethink state in Angular? Exploring Angular query

Should we rethink state in Angular? Exploring Angular query

When working with Angular, it’s important to consider how to manage state within the application. One approach to this is using the Angular query to rethink how state is handled.

Understanding Angular query

Angular query is a powerful tool that allows developers to retrieve and manipulate data from the application’s state. It provides a way to query the state and react to changes, making it a valuable resource for managing state within your Angular application.

Rethinking state management

Traditionally, state management in Angular has been handled using services, observables, and other patterns. However, with the introduction of Angular query, developers have the opportunity to rethink how state is managed within their applications.

By using Angular query, developers can simplify state management by consolidating all state-related logic into a single place. This allows for a more organized and maintainable codebase, making it easier to understand and work with the application’s state.

Benefits of using Angular query

There are several benefits to using Angular query for state management. One of the key advantages is the ability to easily query and update state without having to write extensive code. This can lead to a more efficient and productive development process.

Additionally, Angular query provides a clear and consistent way to manage state throughout the application. This can help to reduce the potential for bugs and errors, as well as streamline the debugging process when issues do arise.


As developers continue to explore new ways to manage state in Angular, it’s important to consider the potential benefits of using Angular query. By rethinking how state is handled within the application, developers can simplify their codebase, improve productivity, and create a more organized and maintainable application.

Overall, Angular query provides a valuable resource for state management within Angular applications, and should be considered as a potential solution for rethinking state in Angular.

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6 months ago

Thanks for sharing. it is very helpful. Do you have any plans for the next version of this video? . Also, Request to add a repo link for reference. Manny of sometimes we miss references while developing the same way

6 months ago

No thanks, I choose angular because I can create an entire spa without the need of third part libraries like react. Why would anyone want that?