Reusing Validators in Pydantic V2: A Guide

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How to reuse validators on Pydantic V2

How to reuse validators on Pydantic V2

Pydantic is a data validation and settings management library for Python. It is especially useful for data validation in web applications and APIs. With the release of Pydantic V2, reusing validators has become even more convenient and flexible.

Defining validators in Pydantic V2

Validators in Pydantic V2 are defined using the @validator decorator, which allows you to define custom validation logic for a particular field in a Pydantic model.

Reusing validators

In Pydantic V2, you can reuse validators by defining them as standalone functions and then applying them to multiple fields in different models. This allows you to maintain a single source of truth for your validation logic and easily apply it across your application.


Let’s say you have a validator for email address validation:

    from pydantic import BaseModel, validator

    def validate_email(email):
        if "@" not in email:
            raise ValueError("Invalid email address")
        return email

    class User(BaseModel):
        email: str

        def validate_email(cls, v):
            return validate_email(v)

Now, if you want to reuse the validate_email validator in another model, you can simply import the function and apply it using the @validator decorator:

    from pydantic import BaseModel, validator
    from my_module import validate_email

    class AnotherModel(BaseModel):
        email: str

        def validate_email(cls, v):
            return validate_email(v)


By defining validators as standalone functions and reusing them across different Pydantic models, you can improve code reusability and maintainability in your application. Pydantic V2 provides a powerful and flexible way to handle data validation, making it easier to write clean and organized code.

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6 months ago

good vid. but very hard to read on a small phone. pls zoom in a bit on your editor and font size, the rest of the desktop and tabs is of no great interest.

6 months ago

Good stuff. Looking forward to the next as well.

6 months ago

Very nice

6 months ago

Great content. Thank you. I hope you can post more videos regularly.

6 months ago

Great content 👍

6 months ago

Goood work

6 months ago

Out of curiosity, how would you decide that v2 is ready for use in production? I like a lot of what I see already, but I'm not sure how to understand its "alpha" status.

6 months ago

This is amazing, Thanks for sharing it

6 months ago

Great video! I would suggest zooming a bit the editor because on mobile is a bit hard to read (had to zoom)