Revamping Linear’s Homepage Using Next.js and Tailwind CSS: Part 5

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Part 5: Rebuilding Linear’s Homepage with Next.js and Tailwind

Part 5: Rebuilding Linear’s Homepage with Next.js and Tailwind

Welcome to part 5 of our series on rebuilding Linear’s homepage with Next.js and Tailwind! In this installment, we will focus on adding the finishing touches to the homepage and ensuring that the site is fully responsive.

Adding Responsive Design

One of the key benefits of using Tailwind CSS is its built-in support for responsive design. With just a few utility classes, we can ensure that our site looks great on screens of all sizes. We will use Tailwind’s responsive design classes to adjust the layout and styling of our homepage as needed for different screen sizes.

Optimizing for Performance

As we add the final touches to our homepage, we will also take the opportunity to optimize our code for performance. This includes minimizing the use of large image files, leveraging browser caching, and ensuring that our site loads quickly on all devices.

Adding Interactive Elements

Finally, we will add some interactive elements to our homepage to make the user experience more engaging. This may include animation, hover effects, or interactive components that respond to user input.


By the end of this installment, we will have a fully functional, responsive homepage for Linear built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS. We will have optimized our site for performance and added interactive elements to enhance the user experience. Stay tuned for the next part of our series, where we will dive into building additional pages and features for the Linear website!

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6 months ago

Amazing attention to details, love that you don't give up and show us all the small details. would love to see more sites rebuilds from you in the future 🙂

6 months ago

Idk how I stumpled upon this channel, but its absolute insane!
Keep it up 😀

6 months ago

you are a genius

6 months ago

Saludos… gracias… Jose Grillo Venezuela

6 months ago

Waited forever for this 🎉

6 months ago

This is gold content Mr Potter

6 months ago

Why you use NextJs instead of NuxtJs?

6 months ago

Thanks Harry Potter 🙂 , god bless you