
Revisiting My React Course 3 Years Later: A Reflection

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Revisiting my React course 3 years later

Revisiting my React course 3 years later

It’s been three years since I first took a React course, and I’ve decided to revisit the material to see how far I’ve come and what new insights I can gain.

When I first started learning React, I was amazed by its ability to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces. I remember struggling with concepts like components, state, and props, but after a lot of practice and experimentation, things started to click.

Now, three years later, I’m excited to see how my skills have evolved and what new features and best practices have emerged in the world of React.

Reflecting on my progress

As I review the basics of React, I can see how my understanding has deepened. Concepts that once seemed confusing now feel familiar, and I’m able to grasp more advanced topics with relative ease.

One thing that stands out to me is the growth of the React ecosystem. There are now more tools, libraries, and resources available to React developers than ever before, and it’s inspiring to see how the community has evolved.

Exploring new features and best practices

As I delve into the updated React documentation and explore new tutorials and articles, I’m excited to discover the latest features and best practices in React development. It’s clear that the framework has continued to evolve, and I look forward to incorporating these new techniques into my own projects.

One concept that has caught my attention is the use of hooks, which provide a more elegant way to handle state and side effects in functional components. I can see how this approach aligns with the latest trends in JavaScript development, and I’m eager to incorporate hooks into my future projects.


Revisiting my React course after three years has been a rewarding experience. It’s given me the opportunity to reflect on my progress, explore the latest developments in the React ecosystem, and gain a fresh perspective on the framework that has become such an integral part of my development journey.

I’m excited to apply what I’ve learned to my future projects and continue to grow as a React developer.

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Koby Soto
7 months ago

I really like you but I'm struggling with having you on the right looking away to the right instead of to the direction of the content.. ADHD confusion…

Vladyslav Qnemes
7 months ago

Source code?

7 months ago

some of the stuff is broken in the course nowadays 🙁

Dada Branding
7 months ago

Damn, Lee. So smart content and architecture, but 1h for a recap that can just be basically bullet points is too much time.

7 months ago

Can anyone tell me if I can follow this course now as well? I'm new to react

7 months ago

You are Best !

Juan Ferrer
7 months ago

Amazing content, thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!

Waleed Sharif
7 months ago

One question: there are many react clones of popular websites tutorial on youtube, can we code a clone and add to our public github repository ? I don't want to use it for any business or sell it to somebody. I want to use it just to get job, that shows my skills, so is it illegal to code for example google clone and add it to my public github repository?

Pavel Kapaak
7 months ago

I just dont like that the password login is so hacky in next auth

7 months ago

I just learning web dev and Javscript two weeks Ago. I have a school project where I need to make a basic multiplayer game using socket io. I really enjoy coding the in the web but I still find myself with so many holes in my knowledge. My next project would be a simple quiz game and I'm thinking of making it with react. Should I create more projects with vanilla Javascript or can I move directly to React for a simple app like a quizz app?

Matthew Trow
7 months ago

Keen to know your thoughts on vanilla-extract

7 months ago

Hi, Lee! Thanks for the video, it's a useful catch-up!

Being me a Tailwind lover (and never never never a CSS-in-JS supporter, I never liked polluting the JS execution thread with stuff that always worked well outside), I got the impression you didn't even consider styling with CSS Modules, why?

Tailwind can be pretty convenient; but for more mature projects, having the HTML such cluttered because of class names can be a burden (page size, readability of the provided document, sharpened separation of concerns, etc.) and it messes up a bit when you want a component to have a default style that can be override by the parent: you cannot have a reliable answer on what style is applied in a "text-md text-lg" className, so you end up defining an extra "textSize" prop just to prevent that situation to ever happen. Both flaws are some of the strengths of CSS: fewer classes and more control on specificity, being also a mean that doesn't bring any penalty to the JS execution thread and working in both the client and the server side.

I understand how liberator can be not having to name things, but you have to provide a name to the React component anyway, and naming classes after the React component sometimes with slight variation like xxx-root, xxx-item or xxx-selected has worked well enough for me.

I'm not criticizing Tailwind, I find it awesome for prototyping or fast-paced projects with lots of changes in start-ups and it has a more affordable learning curve than CSS (thanks to its documentation being invaluably amazing), apart from being very friendly to setting up custom design systems. It's just a don't think picking Tailwind is such a no-brainer. CSS can be a clean and efficient way of styling with the proper CSS architecting skills and the help of CSS Variables and CSS Modules to prevent collisions and Tailwind drawbacks can penalize more in mature projects more focused on optimization and stability than on adding tons of new features.

7 months ago

One of the best videos I've seen lately. Your reasoning style meshes well with mine, now need to watch some other videos on this channel.

Aditya Joshi
7 months ago

where can i find the new fastfeedback?

7 months ago

I procrastinate this course 3 years ago

7 months ago

Hi Lee,

The Firestore adapter in NextAuth is using the client-side Firestore package. So, for this to work, you can't have any security rules set in Firestore. Basically, you have to give full read/write access to Firestore. For example, if you use Google to sign in, the Firestore adapter will also store refresh tokens in Firestore.

So, by using the Firestore adapter, you would store sensitive data in a database with no security.

There is an open pull request for a new Firestore adapter which will use the Firebase Admin SDK. If anyone is interested in using the Firestore adapter, I would advise waiting until the new Firestore adapter is available.

Riccardo Zaffalon
7 months ago

Loving these recent long-form videos, thanks for the time Lee! RZ

7 months ago

So interesting video @leerobinson. It seems like we should do again our course every year at least with all these updates haha

Amos Bastian
7 months ago

About the bit at 43:50 about the flex box and deduping. Afaik Chakra's team are working on it, so this won't be a thing anymore in the near future (see their v3 roadmap, I think they will be following. Tamagui's approach but not sure). I much prefer their way of styling over Tailwind, and know I'm in the minority, but yeah the performance hit is annoying 😅

Eclipse Gaming Spectrum
7 months ago

Yeah server components are a game changer in Nextjs 13. Changes how you build/think about apps. Great work at Nextjs!!