Rice and Bottle Experiment: A Fun DIY to Try at Home! 🍚🍾🥼🧪 #DIY #experiment #trending

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Rice and Bottle Experiment

The Rice and Bottle Experiment

Have you ever heard of the rice and bottle experiment? It’s a fascinating and popular experiment that has been trending on social media platforms like YouTube Shorts. In this experiment, participants use a bottle and rice to demonstrate the power of positive and negative energy. It’s a simple yet thought-provoking experiment that has captured the attention of many people around the world.

Materials Needed

  • A clear plastic bottle
  • Uncooked rice
  • Positive and negative energy labels (optional)


  1. Fill the bottle with uncooked rice, about halfway to three-quarters full.
  2. Seal the bottle with its cap or lid.
  3. Label one bottle as “positive energy” and the other as “negative energy” if using labels.
  4. For the next 30 days, speak positive and encouraging words to the “positive energy” bottle, and speak negative and discouraging words to the “negative energy” bottle.
  5. After 30 days, observe the rice in both bottles and note any differences in appearance and smell.

The Results

The results of the rice and bottle experiment have been quite surprising for many people. Those who have conducted the experiment have reported that the rice in the “positive energy” bottle remained relatively unchanged, while the rice in the “negative energy” bottle showed signs of decay, mold, and unpleasant odor. The stark contrast in the condition of the rice has led many to ponder the impact of energy and words on our surroundings.

Share Your Experience

If you decide to try the rice and bottle experiment yourself, be sure to document your experience and share it with others. You can create a YouTube Shorts video or simply post about it on social media using the hashtags #rice #bottle #experiment. By sharing your results, you’ll contribute to the trending conversation surrounding this thought-provoking experiment.

Join the trend and witness the power of energy with the rice and bottle experiment! #share #trending #youtubeshorts