
Role-Based Authentication in Angular 15: Using HTTP Service to Call API with Angular’s Role-Based Authentication

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Role-based Authentication in Angular 15

Role-based Authentication in Angular 15

Role-based authentication is a crucial aspect of most web applications, as it ensures that only authorized users have access to certain resources and functionalities. In this article, we will explore how to implement role-based authentication in an Angular 15 application, and how to call APIs using the Angular HTTP service.

Setting up Role-based Authentication

To start with, we need to define the roles that will be used in our application. This can be done by creating a role enum or a constant array of roles in a dedicated file. For example:

export enum Role {
Admin = 'Admin',
User = 'User',
Guest = 'Guest'

Next, we need to create a service that will handle the authentication logic. This service will be responsible for storing the current user’s role and verifying access to certain resources based on their role. It can also handle the logic for logging in and logging out. Here’s an example of how this service might look like:

export class AuthService {
private currentUserSubject: BehaviorSubject;
public currentUser: Observable;

constructor(private http: HttpClient) {
this.currentUserSubject = new BehaviorSubject(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('currentUser')));
this.currentUser = this.currentUserSubject.asObservable();

public get currentUserValue(): User {
return this.currentUserSubject.value;

login(username: string, password: string) {
// ... logic to authenticate user

logout() {
// ... logic to log user out

hasRole(role: Role): boolean {
// ... logic to check if user has the specified role

Calling APIs Using the HTTP Service

Once the role-based authentication is set up, we can then use the Angular HTTP service to call APIs and retrieve data. Here’s an example of how to make a GET request to an API endpoint:

import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';

export class MyDataService {
constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }

getData() {
return this.http.get('/api/data');

With the above service, we can then use it in our components to fetch data from the API and display it to the user.


Role-based authentication is an important aspect of modern web applications, and Angular 15 provides the tools and utilities to easily implement this functionality. By using the Angular HTTP service, we can also make API calls to retrieve data and integrate it into our application. With these features, we can build secure and robust web applications that cater to the needs of different user roles.

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Rupal Lonare
7 months ago

Helpful video

Пашка Фарафей
7 months ago

bro, what language are you speaking? 😯