Romney Shocks MAGA as Fox News Peddles False Narrative: TDPS Podcast 11/27/23

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In a surprising turn of events, Mitt Romney, the Utah Senator and former Republican presidential nominee, has shocked the MAGA world with his recent actions. On the latest episode of The David Pakman Show (TDPS) podcast, host David Pakman discussed Romney’s unexpected move and Fox News’ role in fabricating news.

Romney, a longtime critic of former President Donald Trump, has been a vocal opponent of the Trump-led GOP. His recent decision to vote in favor of the bipartisan infrastructure bill that was backed by President Joe Biden has garnered widespread attention and praise from Democrats and some moderate Republicans. However, it has also sparked outrage among hardline Trump supporters who view any form of cooperation with the Biden administration as a betrayal of conservative values.

The MAGA community, which includes Trump loyalists and far-right extremists, has been quick to condemn Romney for his vote, with some calling for him to be expelled from the Republican Party altogether. This dramatic reaction highlights the deep divide within the GOP and the ongoing power struggle between the traditional conservative establishment and the Trumpian faction.

Meanwhile, Fox News, a major conservative media outlet, has come under fire for its role in perpetuating false narratives and fabricating news to fit its own agenda. The network has been known for its biased coverage and propaganda, often toeing the line between journalism and political propaganda. In recent years, Fox News has faced mounting criticism for its role in spreading misinformation and sowing discord in American society.

Pakman delved into the ways in which Fox News has perpetuated falsehoods and distorted the truth to influence public opinion. He highlighted the network’s tendency to cherry-pick information, spin stories, and amplify right-wing talking points, all of which contribute to a culture of disinformation and distrust in the media.

The TDPS podcast episode also touched upon the broader implications of Romney’s actions and Fox News’ manipulative tactics. Romney’s move to break ranks with the GOP and work across party lines underscores the fragile state of the Republican Party, as well as the increasingly polarized nature of American politics. Similarly, the controversy surrounding Fox News serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of media manipulation and the erosion of journalistic integrity.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial for citizens to remain vigilant and critical of the information they consume. In a world where truth and falsehood are often intertwined, it is more important than ever to seek out reliable sources, question prevailing narratives, and hold those in power accountable for their actions. The TDPS podcast sheds light on these important issues, provoking thoughtful discussion and analysis of current events.

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7 months ago

Omg I forgot how bad you are… Do you actually believe the shit you say?

7 months ago

What i nice guy!!! The caller from the voicemail at the end of the show i mean.. I assume he's super popular and has a ton of friends! 🤗😳😵‍💫🤯

7 months ago

Girly man is a biden shill😂

7 months ago

Even the 1940s is too woke for MAGA; Their side lost.

7 months ago

Really dumb

7 months ago

TRUMP 2024 F the rinos

7 months ago

Don't know what the right is thinking? Are you just talking around it? When did the cult leader get booed, when Trump said get vaccinated. Let's be serious the attacks on Trump show how much our corrupt government fear him. Get it we see the corruption and we will pour sand in the gears.

7 months ago

Don't you worry, David. You're a very handsome man and your smile is beautiful! The hatred is out of control in this country!

7 months ago

Kind of odd how all the “real” Republicans or “real” conservatives always seems to be people who can’t get reelected?

7 months ago


7 months ago

I'm still offering a meetup in an MMA ring David. That offer is extended to any liberal as well.

7 months ago

Anytime someone calls somebody else “gay” my red flags go off. I think what are they sexually insecure about?
It’s projection 100%!
Otherwise why say anything about it. You’re just trying to prove that you are not gay. So ridiculous.

7 months ago

Your opinions on Israel are stupid and hawkish

7 months ago

Love your reporting David! I like how you remain positive and not caring what people think of you!
Keep up the great reporting!

7 months ago

I’m not going to elect stupid people because smart people appear to have privilege . Another eye roller

7 months ago

This booing is music to my ears!

7 months ago

These polls blows my mind that Trump is leading! I just don’t get it!
I guess when you are a Cult follower it doesn’t matter what Trump is saying and posting! Unbelievable!!
I would hate to see a dictator running the most powerful office!
Lock up this vile, disgusting, evil, despicable waste of skin!!

7 months ago

At least he’s not insane

7 months ago

David, can you ascertain what it is costing the tax payers when tRump goes off to an event like this? And, is this cost, at a college football game for example, significantly more than his "regular" travels and compulsory detail?

7 months ago

Israel right to exist is an opinion