Rowan Dean: “Many on the ‘progressive left’ are not allies of Israel”

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The relationship between Israel and the progressive left has always been a complex and often contentious one. Over the years, there has been a growing divide between the two, with many on the progressive left being openly critical of Israel and its policies. In a recent interview, conservative commentator Rowan Dean discussed this issue, claiming that many on the progressive left are “no friends of Israel.”

Dean’s comments have sparked a fierce debate, with some praising his candor and others accusing him of spreading anti-left propaganda. However, it cannot be denied that there is a growing rift between Israel and the progressive left, and it is important to understand the reasons behind this divide.

One of the main reasons for the tense relationship between Israel and the progressive left is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The progressive left has been vocal in its support for the Palestinian people and their struggle for statehood, leading to a growing criticism of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. Many on the left have accused Israel of human rights violations, including the occupation of Palestinian territories and the construction of illegal settlements.

Furthermore, the progressive left has been critical of Israel’s conservative government, particularly under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu’s right-wing policies, including his handling of the Palestinian issue and his close relationship with the Trump administration, have led to a further deterioration of Israel’s standing among progressives.

In addition, the progressive left has also been critical of Israel’s treatment of its Arab citizens and its policies towards immigrants and refugees. Many on the left view Israel as a discriminatory and exclusionary state, particularly in the wake of controversial laws such as the Nation-State Law, which define Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people, excluding its Arab citizens.

However, it is important to note that not all members of the progressive left are hostile towards Israel. Many left-wing activists and organizations, including Jewish Voice for Peace and J Street, have been working towards a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and have been critical of Israel’s government while maintaining a strong commitment to the state of Israel.

Ultimately, the relationship between Israel and the progressive left is a complex and multifaceted one, with a range of perspectives and opinions on both sides. It is essential for both Israel and the progressive left to engage in open and honest dialogue in order to bridge the divide and work towards a peaceful and just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Only through understanding and collaboration can progress be made towards a more harmonious relationship between Israel and the progressive left.

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9 months ago

You do not have to be left wing or a anti semetic to oppose the deaths of 6000 kids in an act of gencide. Typical ugly Sky/Murdoch going as low as it gets.

9 months ago

Progressive left are not left anymore…many are more like far right now…this has at last come to light. They are aligned with authoritarian thinking.

9 months ago

It's that enemy of my enemy is my friend logic. The Left in Australia cheered the expansion of communism across the world. When the US became the main bulwark against the spread the Left made the US its great enemy. When the US became the main protector of Israel the Left went from holidays in a kibbutz to antisemitism is one leap. It is that simply. Friends of the US are their enemies. Enemies of the US are their friends. They don't know why. It is acceptance that communism is good and pure despite history. They do not realise their feckless Marxism is paid for by capitalism. If they were in a Marxist country they would be impoverished peasants because the state would have taken their families' wealth. Not having any other worthwhile virtues, they would end up in a manual labour camp.

9 months ago

Progressives have no inclination of history.

9 months ago

The thing i find weird is you can be pro Palestine and condemn Oct 7th but lestists love to show how anti semetic they are

9 months ago

Let me guess they are Muslims?

9 months ago

Let's ignore the 14,500 dead civilians.

9 months ago

The support for women and baby killers here at sky is strong.

9 months ago

Rowan opinions have been laughed and ridicule for decades. FULL OF FALSEHOODS ,HALF TRUTHS AND CHERRYPICKING .He is not a credible or good person at all .

9 months ago

Israel represents the fulfillment of God's promises to the Jewish people….🇮🇱

9 months ago

The university’s are raising children of the devil , wow what a surprise 😂

9 months ago

Because Israel economy exemplifies the best features of democratic socialism which most of those in the left, mostly Marxists could hardly attain or practice. Israel's strong collectives, unifying culture, superior education, and above all, innate pride as a nation are a source of envy. The left could only do but whine, cry and redistribute poverty among themselves unlike the more successful Jews.

9 months ago

We should starts calling them by their true name: deteriorative left

9 months ago

The war has not ended and will never end – we have been at war for over 100 years in the Land of Israel – It all started because of Churchill and Britain's policy that created the Palestinian problem – and the Arab countries that refused to let it be forgotten – the most guilty are those countries that donate money to terrorists! But let's leave history and look at the present The difficult problem is Islam that seeks to conquer the world and return it to the 7th century because that was their ideal period Islam has contributed nothing to the world of science, technology or medicine – except murderous wars and the killing of innocents. Anyone who knows the real hysteria of Islam should do everything to suppress this murderous sect By the way, Muslims are the biggest victim of this murderous sect! The Palestinians will not stop trying to harm the Israelis and the Jews – if he knew the Muslim tradition, he would understand how deep Islam's hatred for the Jews is! All because the Jews rejected the "Gospel" of the Prophet of Islam and found it ridiculous compared to the true Gospel of Judaism. In any case, in order to solve this problem, we must stop giving money to the Palestinians – because the more money they give, the more they will perpetuate their situation because this is the best way for them to make a living! You stopped the flow of money, you stopped the reason for the Palestinians, they will look for jobs all over the world and not sit in the camps and wait to get paid for not working – when unemployed people are bored they create problems to fill the time Working people don't have time to deal with wars. Without payments without work will reduce all their effort to provoke Israel and cry to the world to continue and get free funds. Those who do not understand this do not know what they are talking about.
But as we know, the hypocritical world did not weep for Jewish babies who were beheaded and/or burned alive in an oven, but wept for those Palestinians whose parents put them in the line of fire in order to receive financial payment – We have a proverb that says that those who show mercy to the cruel end up being cruel to the merciful – that's what the world does We are strong and can handle anything – as you know we have been here for 5,784 years and we have gone through many great tragedies in which at least 3 times half of the people were murdered – yet all the empires that conquered us do not exist and we are the weak and those who murdered them are still here

9 months ago

Murdoch and Israeli mafia BFFs

9 months ago

Is it true that Jewish people left Gaza in 2005 pressed by west leaving behind infrastructures factories and the rest. In 2006 people voted Hamas to rule see what happened. Why isn't western media talking about this

9 months ago

You will be hard pressed to find anyone who is not disturbed by what happened on Oct 7 but then there is Oct 8, Oct 9, Oct 10 etc or Oct 6 , Oct 5, Oct 4…………………… all very disturbing

9 months ago

Depends on your definition of Jew hatred. If criticising Israeli apartheid policy, the carpet bombing of civilians, or the illegal settlements is Jew hatred then I suppose it is common.

9 months ago

I’m on the right and I don’t like the actions happening now.

9 months ago

Israel deliberately attacks and murders its so called 'Allies'….USS Liberty
Israel sells U.S. military technology etc to China.
Israel has received more U.S. financial aid than any other nation by far..
Billions upon billions.
Israel stole enriched uranium from U.S., including nuclear weapons tech and nuclear dentonation switches as part of its covert nuclear weapon development program.
Israel has been caught forging fake Australian passports for its espionage activities on at least two occasions.