Running TensorFlow Lite on Raspberry Pi for Object Detection: A Step-by-Step Guide

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TensorFlow Lite is a lightweight version of the popular machine learning framework TensorFlow, optimized for running on resource-constrained devices such as the Raspberry Pi. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of running TensorFlow Lite on a Raspberry Pi for object detection using a pre-trained model.

Step 1: Install TensorFlow Lite on Raspberry Pi

The first step is to install TensorFlow Lite on your Raspberry Pi. To do this, you can follow the official installation instructions provided by TensorFlow. You can start by installing the TensorFlow Lite interpreter using pip:

pip install tflite-runtime

Make sure you have Python installed on your Raspberry Pi before proceeding.

Step 2: Download a Pre-Trained Object Detection Model

Next, you need to download a pre-trained object detection model that is compatible with TensorFlow Lite. There are various pre-trained models available for different tasks, such as SSD MobileNet, Faster R-CNN, and YOLO. You can download a model from the TensorFlow Model Zoo or use a custom-trained model if you have one.

For this tutorial, we will use the SSD MobileNet model, which is a good option for real-time object detection tasks on the Raspberry Pi.

Step 3: Convert the Model to TensorFlow Lite Format

After downloading the pre-trained model, you need to convert it to TensorFlow Lite format so that it can be run on the Raspberry Pi.

You can use the TensorFlow Lite Converter tool to convert the model. You can install the converter using pip:

pip install tf-nightly

Once you have installed the converter, you can use the following command to convert the model to TensorFlow Lite format:

tflite_convert --output_file=/path/to/model.tflite --saved_model_dir=/path/to/saved_model

Replace /path/to/model.tflite with the desired output path for the converted model, and /path/to/saved_model with the path to the saved model directory.

Step 4: Load and Run the TensorFlow Lite Model

Now that you have converted the model to TensorFlow Lite format, you can load and run it on the Raspberry Pi. You can use the following code snippet as a starting point for running object detection with TensorFlow Lite:

import numpy as np
import cv2

# Load the TensorFlow Lite model
interpreter = tf.lite.Interpreter(model_path="/path/to/model.tflite")

# Get model input and output details
input_details = interpreter.get_input_details()
output_details = interpreter.get_output_details()

# Load an image for object detection
image = cv2.imread("/path/to/image.jpg")

# Preprocess the input image
image = cv2.resize(image, (300, 300))
input_data = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0)

# Set the input tensor
interpreter.set_tensor(input_details[0]['index'], input_data)

# Run inference

# Get the output tensor
output_data = interpreter.get_tensor(output_details[0]['index'])

# Process the output data
# (e.g., draw bounding boxes around objects)

# Display the annotated image
cv2.imshow("Object detection", image)

Replace /path/to/model.tflite with the path to the converted TensorFlow Lite model and /path/to/image.jpg with the path to the input image for object detection.

Step 5: Run Object Detection on Raspberry Pi

Finally, you can run the object detection code on your Raspberry Pi. Make sure you have a camera connected to the Raspberry Pi if you want to perform real-time object detection. You can run the code using Python on the Raspberry Pi and see the results of object detection on the connected display.

Congratulations! You have successfully run TensorFlow Lite on a Raspberry Pi for object detection. You can further optimize the object detection pipeline by experimenting with different pre-trained models, model quantization techniques, and hardware accelerators such as the Google Coral TPU. Have fun exploring the exciting world of machine learning on Raspberry Pi!

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2 hours ago

Want to learn how to train your own TFLite model to run on the Raspberry Pi? I released a video giving step-by-step instructions for training TFLite object detection models inside your web browser using Google Colab and deploying it on the Pi. Check it out here!

2 hours ago

Hi, I have encounter the problem after i input the command which 4:24 video as shown. The system mentioned that it encounter error while trying to install the package. I am using the raspberry pi 5

2 hours ago

I'm more interested if it can read and log license plates.

2 hours ago

does this work with an x32 bit os?

2 hours ago

Try getting the fit clone, but it asks for a username and password. Try my GitHub credentials but no luck. Any idea the problem?

2 hours ago

If i were to use my own custome .tflite model, would I still need the labelmap.txt file? How would I get one from my tflite file?

2 hours ago

Hey im running the bullseye os on a raspberry pi 4 B. I can't seem to get across the problem regarding running the .sh script

2 hours ago

Can someone help me? I have a problem with the following command step "sudo pip3 install virtualenv", when I execute this command the following error "externally-managed-environment" appears, I performed all the previous steps but I was unable to resolve it. I use Raspberry Pi 4 64 bits

2 hours ago

@EdjeElectronics I'm trying to develop the identification of objects through their videos, but in the Raspberry Pi 4 interface, the Enable option does not appear in the interface tab, nor does the camera option appear, do I have to install something? Raspberry is already updated

2 hours ago

i have a question:what is performance in pi5

i think this is fourteen percent more performant than pi 4 even 15 more fps in 1080p

probably 720p recomended without an tpu

2 hours ago

Have you looked into updating this for the current version of Raspberry Pi os for the Raspberry Pi 5? I would LOVE to get that working…I have not been able to get it to work….

2 hours ago

Hello, Thank you for your nice video.

How can I print the text what is detected. If bottle is detected. I print bottle when it is over 70%.

Can you help me?

2 hours ago

Does the same apply to segmentation ??

2 hours ago

How do You stop the video window? I only know that it's posssible to close the terminal window, but it sounded like you pressed a button at 8:20

2 hours ago

This is a awesome tip bro
Thank you
I need to deep dive a little bit to make is work 🙂

2 hours ago

Hello can i ask what algorithm did you use for the object detection?

2 hours ago

i wonder what kind of UPS system is robust when performing object detection on raspberrypi ? i am currently working on raspberrypi 4 with a UPS system .it works fine when simply operate on the file system and writing code ,however,when i begin to run my real-time object detection model ,it always reboot the system,which is quite frustrating

2 hours ago

Can any usb camera work with this tutorial and not just the pi camera?

2 hours ago

For those who had problems installing tensorflow with the sh downloaded from the repository, do the following:

I had the same issue and it's solved. If you can't install from .sh file, you can manually install the opencv and tensorflow inside the virtualenv.
1. pip install opencv-contrib-python

2. pip install tensorflow

Remember you have to be with the virtualenv activated.

Credits: @glaubermartins279

2 hours ago

Is it work on Raspberry pi 3 b+ ????

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