Running vue.js on Windows Server 2022 with IIS Error 404 not found

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Run Vue.js Error 404 not found on IIS Windows Server 2022

Run Vue.js Error 404 on IIS Windows Server 2022

If you are encountering a 404 error when trying to run Vue.js on IIS Windows Server 2022, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix the issue.

1. Verify that the Vue.js build files are correctly deployed

Make sure that all the necessary Vue.js build files are correctly deployed to the IIS server. Check the file paths and ensure that the files are in the correct locations.

2. Configure the web.config file

Check the web.config file in the root directory of your Vue.js project. Make sure that the rewrite rules are correctly set up to handle the routing for Vue.js.

3. Check the IIS configuration

Verify the IIS configuration settings to ensure that they are correctly set up to serve the Vue.js files. Make sure that the MIME types are configured correctly and that the server is set up to handle the file extensions used by Vue.js.

4. Restart the IIS server

If you have made any changes to the configuration settings, restart the IIS server to apply the changes and see if the 404 error is resolved.

By following these steps, you should be able to troubleshoot and fix the 404 error when running Vue.js on IIS Windows Server 2022. Remember to double-check your file paths, configuration settings, and server setup to ensure that everything is correctly configured.