RUS Chooses Inopportune Time for “Offensive” – Ukraine Daily Update, 10 Dec 23

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On December 10th, the Russian military made the shocking decision to launch what they have deemed as an “offensive” in the ongoing conflict with Ukraine. This move has been met with immediate condemnation and outrage from the international community, as it comes at a time when tensions in the region are already at an all-time high.

The timing of this offensive could not have been worse, as it comes at a time when Ukraine is already facing numerous challenges. The country is grappling with a devastating war in the eastern Donbas region, where Russian-backed separatists have been fighting Ukrainian forces for years. Additionally, Ukraine is also dealing with the economic fallout from the ongoing global pandemic, as well as political instability following recent protests and a change in leadership.

The decision by Russia to escalate the conflict at this particular moment is not only ill-timed, but also deeply troubling. It has the potential to further destabilize the region and exacerbate the suffering of the Ukrainian people. The international community has a responsibility to hold Russia accountable for their actions and to work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Furthermore, the timing of this offensive also raises questions about Russia’s intentions and motivations. Many are left wondering why Russia has chosen to escalate the conflict at a time when it is clear that the Ukrainian people are already facing immense hardship. This move calls into question Russia’s commitment to finding a peaceful resolution and raises concerns about their true intentions in the region.

It is imperative that the international community takes a firm stance against Russia’s actions and works towards de-escalating the situation in Ukraine. This includes imposing sanctions and other measures to pressure Russia to reconsider their aggressive actions. Additionally, there must be a renewed effort to engage in diplomatic negotiations to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.

In the meantime, the Ukrainian people continue to suffer from the devastating effects of the ongoing war and the economic challenges they face. It is crucial that the international community stands in solidarity with Ukraine and offers support during this difficult time. The people of Ukraine deserve peace, stability, and security, and it is our collective responsibility to work towards achieving that goal.

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8 months ago

StrikeGum: Zero Sugar, 90mg of Caffeine, Total Energy!

8 months ago

So this military "expert" will teach Russia how to conduct a war during winter time, something that Russia is doing for 1000 years or more… Or maybe only purpouse of this nonsense is selling chewing gum.. :))))

8 months ago

Do you have casualty figures?

I don’t trust the UKR reports, and attrition is the only way to win at this point. Attrition will take years if Russia has 700k soldiers in UKR like Putin claimed.

8 months ago

Dude stop spreding lies…ukraine is in deep shit…

8 months ago

Russian tanks dont cost 10 miloion dollars. The most expensive ive seen was 3.5 million. But most Russian tanks costs no more then 50 thousands dollars to produce. Sure its still more expensive then drones and mines, but they can take a few hits before going down and so long as tanks can take a few hits, they will be useful in offensives. The purpose of tanks is not to be invincible. It is to be a mobile cover for advancing army shielding them from bullets and provide closer range artilery to destroy strong points like a bunker or machine nest. That is the purpose of tanks. Even after being destroyed, the tank itself is still a cover that wasn't there before and that the Russians can use. In WW2 the Soviets lost hundreds of thousands of tanks and their T-34 tanks are now know as the king of tanks despite all those loses. And now that Russia barely lost a few hundred tanks, you want to say the age of tanks is over??? Bruh, you really don't know what you are saying!

8 months ago

actually, this is earlier then last year's offensive and its just as i predicted: The 2022 february offensive was a success and then the Russians stopped to simply reorganize and build infrastructure in the newly conquered lands for next year's offensive, which is now. This is a very Russian way to wage war and i am not referring to the Soviet Union way. This is how the former Russian Empire defeated the Ottoman Empire and all of its other enemies: Make a full scale invasion. Rush as far as you can until the enemy manages to start resisting. The moment this happened, the Russian Empire would stop and make a ceasefire giving back about 25% of the conquered lands to give to the enemy a false though of victory so they do stupid things like counter attacking instead of building up more defenses. Then a year later, the Russians repeat the whole strategy and slowly gaining more and more lands, until the enemy is simply too weak to fight back. It worked against the Khanate of Crimea as well as all other foes until the big revolution due to poor domestic managenent. The Russian Empire was genius at war, but garbage at governing.
Edit: Oh… Nevermind, i though because of your title that this was a new major Russian offensive, but it clearly is not. Though it was a bit too early too.

8 months ago

Ukraine is winning and Russian are gaining land😊

8 months ago

Nope. The weather will get worse for them.
Archangel Michael

8 months ago

Peddling gum has won many a battle.

8 months ago

Russia never learned to fight in snow? LOL what a joke Russia invented winter war.

8 months ago

Putin doesn't care about human life. He'll just ordered these crazy offensives in Winter because he wants something to show when elections. Which is ridiculous because there's no real election in Russia anyway.

8 months ago

I can't fathom why Putin wanted this war.

1/3rd of Russians are alcoholics, economy as diverse as Venezuela, and all they want to do is blow up neighboring country and declare those ruins as their land.
There's no sense to any of this. Why is Russia just going along with this? Nobody else asked for this to happen, and yet here we are all because of 1 small man's pride.

8 months ago

I agree. Armored warframe is… Well. beyond transport and what not. Pretty useless. There are so many CHEAP AS FCK ways to disable if not outright destroy a tank nowadays. From 100.000$ specialized infantry carried devices to 30$ drones with a 40$ bomb strapped to it… A tank costs 2-10 MILLION dollars. and takes 70-100.000 to take out… Economy of war man.

8 months ago

Alredy they have conquerd more ground thet Ukis did in their summer ofensive with the whole Nato backing them.

8 months ago

Well let’s face it : both sides are losing lots of men and gaining almost nothing… time to start negotiating. Nobody is going to win on the battlefield

8 months ago

they know what they doing

8 months ago

Dude, this is not Afghanistan. This is eastern Europe. Major battles and campaigns in the dead of winter are common through history, especially in the last century.

Of course, if the Russians wait until spring, the Ukrainians should have F-16s. This totally changes the equation, especially where mechanized warfare is concerned. Based on their performance to date, I fully expect the Ukrainians to be able to competently do combined arms warfare. The Russians have already proven that they cannot.

8 months ago

The chair behind your shoulders has you looking like napoleon. Just made me laugh, but i enjoy the content

8 months ago

Don't kid yourself Russia is on track to win .. just like Stalingrad .. RULE ONE never underestimate the enemy .How did Afghanistan and Vietnam turn out for the 'mighty' USof A ?

8 months ago

I respectfully disagree with you regarding the future of armor. Armor has always been useless in the absence of adequate logistics and infantry support, and this is what we see from Russia. A competent NATO force would be able to fight an armored war successfully.