Russia and China in Discussion Over Secret Undersea Tunnel to Crimea – Vantage with Palki Sharma

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In a surprising turn of events, reports have emerged suggesting that Russia and China are secretly cooperating to build an undersea tunnel to the Crimean peninsula. The tunnel is said to be a part of Russia’s ambitious plans to further integrate Crimea, which was annexed from Ukraine in 2014, into its territory. The purported collaboration between Russia and China has raised eyebrows in the international community, with many questioning the implications of such a project.

The plan to build an undersea tunnel to Crimea is not new. Russia has long been considering various options to improve connectivity between the peninsula and the mainland. The current options for reaching Crimea include a ferry service and a bridge that was completed in 2018. However, these modes of transport are often unreliable and inefficient, especially during winter when the strait can freeze over.

The proposed undersea tunnel would provide a more reliable and efficient connection between Crimea and the Russian mainland. It would also serve as a symbol of Russia’s commitment to integrating Crimea, which has been a source of ongoing tension with Ukraine and the international community.

The reported involvement of China in this project adds an extra layer of complexity to an already contentious situation. China has been expanding its footprint in the Black Sea region, and its collaboration with Russia on the tunnel project could further solidify its presence in the area.

The potential involvement of China has implications beyond just the construction of the tunnel. It raises questions about China’s geopolitical intentions and its willingness to challenge the existing world order. The collaboration with Russia on such a sensitive project could be seen as a provocative move by China, especially considering the ongoing tensions between Russia and the West over Crimea.

Another aspect to consider is the economic impact of the proposed undersea tunnel. The region surrounding the Black Sea is a crucial trade route, and the tunnel could significantly boost economic activity in the area. It could also further solidify China’s economic influence in the Black Sea region, potentially leading to further tensions with the West.

While the news of a potential undersea tunnel to Crimea is still unconfirmed, the reports of Russia and China collaborating on such a project have sparked intense speculation and debate. The implications of such a project, if it materializes, would be far-reaching, and it could have a significant impact on the geopolitical landscape in the region.

As the situation continues to develop, it will be important for the international community to closely monitor the progress of this project and consider its implications for regional stability and global geopolitics. The potential collaboration between Russia and China on an undersea tunnel to Crimea is a development that cannot be ignored and should be the subject of intense discussion and analysis.

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6 months ago

Russia saved Indias ass in 1971.India is not supporting Russia in her war with Ukraine so Russia is looking towards China and NK. India and her media outlet should not potrary their relationship as bad just because she has border dispute with China

6 months ago

That's stupidity investments "Once that is bombed, that's is Done" like a water pipes.. so vulnerable to risks..

6 months ago

Unsucessful ocean is so powerful and volcanic in the deep will end them???

6 months ago

,The crimea territory has always been Russian since the Ottoman empire collapsed and the western powers led by UK naval power glory days, tried many times to cease it from Russia but failed, it was given to ukraine by a pro ukraine Russia president at the collaspe of the soviet union , Russia has recovered her territory and will never give it back even if it means a nuclear if necessary to protect it. Its wishful thinking for the west and zelenski to think they can cease it from Russia . It never happened in ancient history and will not happen in modern history. Russia will do what she wants with cremia abd its not the USA nato coalition talk less Zelenski Ukraine that will stop 🛑 her

6 months ago

Get your facts right! Historically, crimea has always been Russian.

6 months ago

LOL, Even you know it so what so secret about it? Correction, Ukraine and Crimea used to be Russian's federatiom called the USSR. As for big infrastructures who can do it cost effectively but China? India definitely cannot do it. And the "Debt trap" propaganda is getting a little stale, especailly with a powerful Russia.

6 months ago

😅hehello palki…if it had been a secret project how did you come to know about it…ha ha ha

6 months ago

Crimea-" historically" Ukrainian? No! it historically Russian! whith whom Britain wared in 19 c. Crimean war ? with Ukraine? )) shame on you Palki for repeating again and again western propoganda agenda! Crimea is populated by russian majority and freely joined mother Russia! ! Russian Empire took it from Ottoman Turkey according to Peace treaty in 18c. it was "presented" to Soviet Ukraine by Soviet Russian as a symbol of Russia-Ukraine unity due to economic,geograrhical reasons. within USSR!- with status of Autonomous Republic. which independent Ukraine eliminated in 90-es! it was recognized as ukranian territory by traitor president Eltzin- whom all russians hates! and crimean people freely voted to return to Russia! No any "annexation"!!!

6 months ago

Russia has tough love to Ukrain.

6 months ago

Palki repeating the lies of the mainstream media ( MSM). Normal as this is what she is paid for like the scam call centres in India

6 months ago

That's if they win the war.

6 months ago

Indians trying to become relevant in the media world. 😂 your copy and paste propaganda is boring

6 months ago

It will never happen, neither country can afford it. Such a BS story.

6 months ago

Yes both need eatch other thats all then game on

6 months ago

Go Russia China.

6 months ago

It's good to build than to destroy.

6 months ago

Putin is not to be joked with. He is a genius, a brain. 😊

6 months ago

Lol…. is 5his how secret work? when u openly discuss and show the world media.😂😂😂

6 months ago

Could you stop with it with Bogus Debt trap narrative…its getting quite old and the more you use it the more you make a mockery of your reputation.

6 months ago

" Historically Crimea is part of Ukraine "
Who told you this crap ?
You are good at only presenting what you are told , but not intellectual in history.
Try to be neutral when you report about
Russo- Ukraine war , sorry i mean special military operation
LOL 😅😅😅😅😅