Russia in Total Chaos as Thousands Attempt to Cross the Border

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The situation in Russia has escalated to a chaotic and critical level as thousands of people are attempting to cross the border in an attempt to flee the country. The chaos began as concerns over the political and economic turmoil in Russia reached a tipping point, leading to a mass exodus of people seeking safety and security.

The scenes at the border are nothing short of pandemonium, with long lines of cars and people on foot trying to make their way out of the country. Reports from the scene describe scenes of desperation, with families carrying their belongings and children, hoping to find refuge in neighboring countries.

The root cause of this chaos can be attributed to a combination of factors, including political unrest, economic instability, and widespread social discontent. The recent crackdown by the government on opposition leaders and activists has further exacerbated the already tense situation, leading to a sense of fear and uncertainty among the population.

As the situation in Russia continues to deteriorate, the international community has expressed concerns over the human rights violations and the potential for a humanitarian crisis. Many countries have offered support and assistance to those fleeing the country, with border officials working around the clock to process the influx of people seeking refuge.

The scenes at the border serve as a stark reminder of the growing challenges facing Russia and the urgent need for a coordinated international response. It is crucial for the global community to come together to address the root causes of the crisis and provide support to those affected by the turmoil.

The chaos at the border is a clear indicator of the dire situation in Russia, and it is imperative for the international community to step up and offer aid to those in need. The world must come together to provide assistance and support to the people fleeing the chaos in Russia, and work towards finding a peaceful and sustainable resolution to the crisis.

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9 months ago

In the third century, during China’s Three Kingdoms era (after the Han Dynasty broke apart into a trifurcated state in the early 200’s), there was a famous general and official named Sima Yi. While not as oft quoted as the better known Sun Tzu, Sima Yi has one pithy aphorism attributed to him which is better than anything in the Art of War. Sima Yi put the essence of warmaking the following way:
In military affairs there are five essential points. If able to attack, you must attack. If not able to attack, you must defend. If not able to defend, you must flee. The remaining two points entail only surrender or death.
Ukraine is working its way down the list. The events of the summer demonstrated that it cannot successfully attack strongly held Russian positions. Events in Avdivvka and elsewhere now test whether they can defend their position in the Donbas against rising Russian force generation. If they fail this test, it will be time to flee, surrender, or die. Such is the way of things when the time for reckoning comes.

As detailed in The Los Angeles Times back in May of 2016, “…hundreds of memos, meeting minutes and transcripts from U.S. archives indicate otherwise.”
“According to transcripts of meetings in Moscow on Feb. 9, then-Secretary of State James Baker suggested that in exchange for cooperation with Germany, the U.S. could make ‘iron-clad guarantees’ that NATO would not expand ‘one inch eastward.’ Less than a week later, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to begin reunification talks. 
“No formal deal was struck, but from all the evidence, the quid pro quo was clear: Gorbachev acceded to Germany’s western alignment and the U.S. would limit NATO’s expansion,” the article read.
The Gorbachev Foundation’s record of the Soviet leader’s meeting with James Baker in 1990 supported Gorbachev’s claim that NATO would not continue to expand.
Baker: I want to ask you a question, and you need not answer it right now. Supposing unification takes place, what would you prefer: a united Germany outside of NATO, absolutely independent and without American troops; or a united Germany keeping its connections with NATO, but with the guarantee that NATO’s jurisprudence or troops will not spread east of the present boundary?
Gorbachev: We will think everything over. We intend to discuss all these questions in depth at the leadership level. It goes without saying that a broadening of the NATO zone is not acceptable.
Baker: We agree with that.

And this, ultimately, brings us back where we started. There is no wonder weapon, no cool trick, no operational contrivance coming to save Ukraine. There is no exhaust port on the Death Star. There’s only the cold calculus of massed fires over time and space. Even Ukraine’s isolated successes only serve to emphasize the enormous disparity in capabilities. For example, when the AFU uses western missiles to attack Russian ships in drydock, this is only possible because Russia has a navy. The Russians, in contrast, have a wide arsenal of anti-ship missiles that they are not using, because Ukraine does not have a navy. While the spectacle of a successful hit on a Russian vessel makes for nice PR, it only reveals the asymmetry in assets and does nothing to ameliorate Ukraine’s fundamental problem, which is the steady attrition and destruction of its ground forces in the Donbas.
As 2024 brings a steady erosion of the Ukrainian position in the Donbas – isolation and liquidation of peripheral fortresses like Adviivka, a double pronged advance on Konstyantinivka, an ever more severe salient around Ugledar as the Russians advance on Kurakhove – Ukraine will find itself in an ever more untenable place, with western partners questioning the logic of funneling limited weapons stocks into a shattered state.

Russia is preparing to change the rules of the game
In addition to the North Korean monster KN-25, Moscow will receive or has already received a number of missile systems. The South Korean Ministry of Defense announced this to reporters at a special briefing.
South Korean military analysts believe that two types of operational-tactical systems were delivered to Russia:
▪KN-23 is an analogue of our Iskander. The missile is capable of delivering a 500-kilogram warhead to a distance of up to 450 km. It rises to a height of up to 50 km and flies along a quasi-ballistic trajectory (that is, it can maneuver), which is why it is a difficult target for all air defense systems. The range can be increased to 690 km by reducing the mass of the warhead.
▪KN-24 is an analogue of the American MGM-140 ATACMS missiles. It copies the design of an American missile and, apparently, performs a similar role: supporting troops on the battlefield by destroying enemy headquarters, warehouses, army aviation airfields and air defense complexes. And the range of this system is higher: 410 km versus 300 km for the American.
What's in the containers?
About 2 thousand sea containers loaded with ammunition were sent to Russia through the port of Rajin. South Korean intelligence does not know what exactly was inside. But specialists understand the scale of supplies. We are talking about sending approximately 1 million shells. If they contained 122-mm rockets for the Grad system, the Russians received about 200 thousand ammunition.
It is assumed that some of the containers could also be loaded with tank ammunition and shells for T-62 and T-55 tanks.
So what?
Deliveries of KN-23 and KN-24 ballistic missiles will expand the capabilities of our army to clear enemy rear areas of valuable objects. The arrival of the KN-25 at the front can play the role of the notorious “game changer” – a weapon that changes the rules of the game on the battlefield. The very thing that Ukrainians were so eager to receive from the West.

9 months ago

Those Russians would not do anything

9 months ago

God bless ukanias family and volunteer 💙💛
It's time Russia people stand up for many years oppression

9 months ago

This is, ignorance!!! President Putin, one's ego,to not accept what happened back in Afghanistan! Is, what you are witnessing!! I own the world, The Creator,said,do what you will!! I'm, seeing, Countries,who wants power,but fails,to help other than themselves!!! Fkn, wrath,will devour, unless you, answer!!! 3knocks🙈 the blind man, misses,and Hits, the bell. Why,do you deny me?

9 months ago

This Ukraine war is not the cakewalk that Putin thought it would be

9 months ago

Sounds like propaganda, not news or facts. It sounds like spin.

9 months ago

GET RID OF PUTIN. War will end and Russia can get back to normal. Come on Russian people RISE UP and get rid of the evil Putin. Surely someone in Russia can do it.

9 months ago

This BS propaganda. All goes well for Russia economically. The guys just don't wanna go to war against Ukrainians that is why they want to migrate.

9 months ago

Excuse me, but did you use a come on line? The Putin was stabbed in the back is oracle eyes another one that we have to mark down as do not believe the headlines.

9 months ago

Ukraine it’s time to give up it over

9 months ago


9 months ago

Plz read the holy book Quran sharif with translation

9 months ago

Ramzan kadyrov foji give for Gaza falasteen plz justice plz sent is massage for chechen Ramzan kadyrov because 57 islalmic countries leaders foji Are failed 😢😭😭😢😢😭, Putin sends massage

9 months ago

Is Emily Blanchard one of the Blanchard twins ?
I think I had a 3-way with them a few years ago.

9 months ago

So what does Russia like to achieve with this war , 400.000 dead Russian soldiers so far is no achievement, is it?
A broken economy for decades is no achievement.
To be hated for decades and isolated by the rest of the world is no achievement.
To pay billions reparations to Ukraine before sanctions are lifted is no achievement.
The biggest army in the world total destructed is no achievement.
Russians only achievement is increasing and strengthening of NATO who was never going to invade Russia nor was Ukraine.

9 months ago

Putler must lose!

9 months ago

Slava Ukraina❤

9 months ago

well if Emily Blanchard said it it gotta be true…..🐑🐑🐑🐑

9 months ago


9 months ago

I stand with NATO 🌟