Russian Air Base Under Attack: Are S-400s Ineffective as Russian Jets are Destroyed? (2023)

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In a shocking turn of events, a hell attack has been carried out on a Russian air base, resulting in the destruction of several Russian jets. This attack has raised serious concerns about the effectiveness of Russia’s air defense system, particularly the S-400s.

The attack, which took place on the outskirts of the city of Latakia, saw Russian jets being blown up by unidentified assailants. The incident has sparked a wave of panic and confusion within the Russian military and government. Many are now questioning the capability of the S-400s, which were supposed to provide an impenetrable defense against such attacks.

The S-400 is a long-range surface-to-air missile system, designed to detect and destroy incoming threats, including enemy aircraft and missiles. It has been touted as one of the most advanced air defense systems in the world, capable of protecting vast areas of airspace from potential threats.

However, the recent hell attack on the Russian air base has cast doubt on the effectiveness of the S-400s. Many are now wondering how such a sophisticated defense system could have failed to prevent the destruction of Russian jets. There are concerns that the attackers may have found a way to bypass the S-400s or that there may have been a technical malfunction.

The Russian government has remained tight-lipped about the incident, fueling speculation and conspiracy theories. Some are even speculating that the attack may have been an inside job, raising questions about the security and reliability of the Russian military.

In the wake of this attack, the Russian military is under pressure to re-evaluate its air defense capabilities and bolster its security measures. The incident has exposed a vulnerability that could have serious implications for Russian national security.

The hell attack on the Russian air base serves as a stark reminder of the ever-evolving threats faced by modern militaries. It also highlights the need for constant vigilance and preparedness in the face of potential attacks.

As the Russian government scrambles to investigate the incident and shore up its defenses, the world watches with bated breath. The implications of this attack could have far-reaching consequences for Russian military strategy and international security dynamics.

The hell attack on the Russian air base has sent shockwaves through the global defense community. It serves as a sobering reminder of the constant threat of attack and the need for effective and reliable defense systems. The effectiveness of the S-400s, once considered a formidable shield against enemy threats, has been called into question. It remains to be seen how the Russian government will respond to this alarming incident and what measures will be taken to prevent similar attacks in the future.

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9 months ago

look I am interested in your videos BUT saying the same thing in three different ways only pisses me off is it just to fill the time to help your figures. there is only 7-8 minutes of facts just explained three ways!!!! why.

9 months ago

The attacked air force base is nowhere near Moscow, your news/vlog is not only old stuff but highly inaccurate. Your making a mockery of both the Ukraine and Russian facts, please desist from this poorly put together vlog

9 months ago

this is propaganda for people who just woke up from a coma. old footage from last summer, unrelated

9 months ago

🤔🤔🤔🥹🥹🥹merveilleux les américains 🇺🇸 sont entrain de gagner 🏆 une guerre contre des terrorises russes s’en un mort américains 😂😂😂

9 months ago

Utterly ridiculous waste of time. The video is clearly a cr*ppy AI that is horrible at presenting facts in a CONCISE manner, with real content that actually informs viewers! If this is the level of quality that your 15 reporters produce, you all need to go to journalism school ASAP!

Unpaid bloggers who are not in or near Ukraine provide better quality information than this garbage!

9 months ago

load of crap, your chanel is. Blah blah blah and no credible news, and certainly not consistent with the headline??

9 months ago

Another fake vlog

9 months ago

The Russians can;t be so stupid.

9 months ago


9 months ago

bla bla bla ……

9 months ago

this account is good for people like me for learning english, thanks a lot, otherwise it is useless sorry.

9 months ago

Word don’t need Russians and Russians help Ukraine to v
win the war

9 months ago


9 months ago

Lots of talk, no news

9 months ago

400s not working like your weeny boss putin 😮😂😮😂😮😂

9 months ago

Not only is the monologue incredibly boring it also covers outdated and/or abstract events

9 months ago

“Everyone …. themselves badly," ! This is how an inside source in Russia described the Wagner debacle, the creator of which is non other than Pootin himself ! What a pathetic and sad allegory for a great land mass country like Russia, had it been properly governed with a least trace of democracy like the Gorbachov regime, could have become the mightiest empire in the world; pushing even the USA away from its position.

After all, Russia had a pantheon of mighty rulers like Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, even VI Lenin, Stalin who nevertheless made Russia awash with blood during his tenure. Now, Russia has become the laughing stock in front of the whole world, calamities are aplenty; like botched military operations, financing mercenary armies like Wagnars etc., sanctioned all round, has to plead with China to sell its oil at a great discount thereby losing billions and making China exponentially rich by that much billions. India also gets discounted crude from Russia which is refined and the resulting petrol is sold overseas to countries like Sri Lanka. All these countries like the arrangement; which country would not like to buy crude by the barrel at discounted rates prevailing world market rates. It would seem, China and India profits due to Putin's folly !

Should Russian people tolerate this state of affairs any longer ! Why all this bother; it is due to Pootin in power for a long time, and creating criminal mercenary forces like Prirozin's Wagner group ! Does a could be mighty country like Russia need mercenaries to fight its wars; it is totally madness; possible only with Pootin as the Prez. ! High time to remove him and send him to a sanatorium to spend the rest of his miserable life, and bringing peace to the rest of the world ! It is up to the Russian Duma to take action; why pliant in front of this fmr FSB employee, difficult to understand!

9 months ago

I cant find any credible evidence online to back up these claims. I tend to find your reporting on past events and not current events

9 months ago

Leave the lies to the Devil and come to Jesus.

The Devil or Lucifer was the fallen Archangel of God who was once in the Kingdom of Light of God in Heaven. But he was cast down to earth because he started sin in his mind to be like the Creator God.

Now the devil, knowing he will not return back to heaven for good, begins to hate the true people of God, the Isrealites and Born Again Christians over generations and millennials.

Satan is the spiritual enemy of all human souls, he founded false christian Churches, religions like Islam, Bubbism, Hindism, paganism, materialism, mammonisim, free mason, watchtowers, mormans, secret societies, Satanisms and the list goes on…. only to confuse and decieve people to take their souls to hell and later to the Lake of Fire with him. Multitudes of people give in to Satanic lies and are NOT believing or receiving Christ Jesus as their Lord and Saviour of our souls.

Satan's one goal is to get as many souls to hell in this end times is increasing in momentum and frequency as he knows his time is short. Satan is seriously planning to keep people of the world from knowing the only TRUTH of God in the Holy Bible and to know the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved and go to heaven, after death.

Since the first day of creation in the Garden of Eden, Satan has been busy decieving the masses of humanity by getting them to deny the one True God of Israel. Then since after Crucifixtion, death and resurrection of Jesus, Satan is busy again getting masses of people to not to believe in the ONLY begotten Son of God. The Truth is Jesus who was manifested in the flesh had destroyed all the powers of sin, death, hell and Satan on the Cross 2000 years ago in Jerusalem.

Nonetheless, know that the Truth of God Stands sure, and the Church Jesus built which is His Body, the gates of hell will not defeat and prevail against. For all powers in heaven and on earth is given to Jesus after he rose from the death. Jesus was raised to life through the same power of God in the Holy Spirit that created the Universe in the day that God created the heavens and the earth (physical universe) about 13.4 billion years ago.

Satan knows that his time is up.

The Church of Christ is now rising to defeat the devil and soon the enemy of our souls will be bound and cast into the bottomless pit and sealed for a 1000 years.

Soon also, according to God's victorious Plan, Satan will be judged and cast into the Lake of Fire to be tormented day and night forever after the same 1000 Biblical years is over.

It is written that, along with Satan, the Antichrist, False Prophet, and all other multitudes of souls of men, women and children who have sinned and have died and are now held in hell will face the final judgement of God and be cast into the Lake of Fire . This judgment is called the Great White Throne Judgement seat of God.

Please read Revelation Chapter 20.
Note quote ofRevelation 20:11,13-15: "11: And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. ……13: And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. 14. And death and hell were cast into the Lake of Fire. This is the second death. 15. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the Lake of Fire."

This is THE TRUTH!

Satan hates so much the True Christians and Jews and wants their complete alienation of the face of planet Earth, but it's not going to happen for victory belongs to the children of God while doom awaits Satan and his followers at the end of 7000 Solar – Biblical years plan of God for planet earth.

Those who know Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life will soon be caught up into New Jerusalem in heaven to be awarded rewards, according to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, and 1 Corinthians 15: 51-57.

Then afterwards after 7 earth years, the Second Coming of Jesus with His Saints to commence, when Christ returns to rule and reign on earth for a 1000 years, the same time Satan will be bound and sealed in the bottomless pit, under the earth.

Satan also hates the Jews because they gave the world Torah (five books of Moses) and/or the Holy Bible, and through the Jews the Gentiles have received the Saviour of their souls, and are becoming the children of God and also receive eternal life through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Finally, I pray and call on the Lord Jesus Christ the ONLY way to heaven, the ONLY Truth and the ONLY Eternal Life and Saviour of souls of men, women and children who are now alive on earth to repent and accept Jesus as your Lord and the Saviour of your soul.

Ask Jesus into your heart by prayer. Make Confession of your sins. For when you die in your sins without forgiveness from Christ Jesus, you are going to hell, then await the final Great White Throne Judgement Seat of God before being cast into the Lake of Fire.

Today is the day of salvation. Call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ through prayer, to Jesus. NOW ask Jesus to forgive your sins. I urgent you all who read this message to humble yourself, repent from your sins and don't commit the sin again after Repentance from it. Al
Pray also to receive Christ into your hearts as your Lord and Saviour. As it is written in John 1:11-13, God the Father of all life, light and love will declare you too as His son or daughter. Then and only then Heaven of Heavens of our God will truly become your eternal home as well.

Read Romans 6:23 before you pray: "The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ."

In summary, I call all Israelis, Jews, Gentiles, Greeks, Turkeys, Russians, Iranians, Chinese, Americans, Syrians, Lebanese, Hamas, Hezebola, Palestinians, Yemenis and all citizens of the freeworld in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ while you all still have the time and breath of life on earth.

For when death comes and if a person is death naturally in war, disease or natural cause without Christ Jesus, hell is opening her mouth to swallow that soul that died without receiving Christ in his/her heart.

May the Creator God of Israel and the one True God of Heaven and Earth BLESS YOU and give Eternal Peace to your Soul.

Paul Kamakande
Preacher of the Gospel of Christ
Papua New Guinea.

9 months ago

🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁LION c LIKE No. 136