Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov ignites division at OSCE meeting, causing controversy | DW News

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Russia’s Lavrov Sparks Rift at OSCE Meeting

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) met in Stockholm this week to discuss a wide range of issues, from security and human rights to conflict resolution. However, the meeting took an unexpected turn when Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, delivered a controversial speech that sparked a rift among the member states.

Lavrov used his speech to criticize the OSCE for its alleged bias against Russia and its allies. He accused the organization of being “unfairly critical” of Moscow’s actions in Ukraine and other former Soviet states. This prompted a strong response from several Western countries, including the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom, who accused Russia of trying to deflect attention from its own aggressive behavior.

The rift deepened when Lavrov refused to take questions from journalists at the end of his speech, a move that was seen as a deliberate snub to his counterparts from other countries. This further cemented the impression that Russia was not interested in engaging in meaningful dialogue with the rest of the OSCE member states.

The clash between Russia and the West at the OSCE meeting reflects the broader geopolitical tensions that have been simmering for years. Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and its support for separatist movements in eastern Ukraine have strained its relations with the US and Europe, leading to a series of sanctions and diplomatic spats.

The situation has only worsened in recent months, with Russia’s military buildup near Ukraine’s borders and its alleged interference in the internal affairs of other countries. These actions have raised concerns among OSCE member states about Moscow’s intentions and its commitment to upholding the principles of the organization.

The rift at the OSCE meeting also highlights the challenges facing the international community in dealing with Russia. While some countries advocate for a policy of engagement and dialogue, others believe that a more confrontational approach is necessary to counter Moscow’s aggressive behavior.

It remains to be seen how the rift at the OSCE meeting will impact future discussions and negotiations within the organization. However, it is clear that the tensions between Russia and the West are unlikely to dissipate anytime soon, and that finding a common ground will require a great deal of diplomatic skill and patience on both sides.

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6 months ago

All these cou tries belly acke. Why didnt all of us brainy nerds get together and tell ukeland to change constitution and put in never ever to join nato….end of problem for russia

6 months ago

Barebutt should go and explain her views

6 months ago

DW News I have been looking over numerous profiles and some haven't even existed a day. They are 100% bots. Fix your comment section.

6 months ago

PUTIN box himself into FAILURE, UKRAINE is not for you , leave and WIN.

6 months ago

I googled bad Karma and Here is what I got.

Levying baseless allegations on others.
Laughing at somebody's situation.
Taking away somebody's everything.
Taking advantage of somebody's situation.
Doing injustice to others.
Spreading lies and hatred.
Misuse of authority to take personal revenge against opponents.

6 months ago

And while they talk, Europe needs to show it can stand on its own two feet without a U.S. prop.

6 months ago

NATO countries are just pissed off because they gambled big, and now look like total fools – which they are!

So be it.

6 months ago

Do NOT be a HIPOCRATE!!! Why does Russia attacks Ukraine in the first place? Viva Russia..God is with you

6 months ago

Lavrov should be arrested

6 months ago

The vibe here makes one think Russia is not a european country😄😄

6 months ago

russia should lose it's veto power in any internasional saying, both in this and the UN.

6 months ago

Would Western politicians boycott if Benjamin Netanyahu was at the meeting?

6 months ago

The ethnically, culturally Russian majority of East-Ukrainie were "Palestinians" of Ukrainie. The Ukrainian State supressed them, and launched a war against them. In spite of the Minsk documents, the Western countries did nothing.
After 8 years patiency, Russia didn't hesitate any more, and saved the Russian ethnics from the fate of Palestinians.

6 months ago

Does ANYONE care what Russia/Lavrov says at this point? They've lied about everything for years, slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent people and contribute nothing to CIVILIZED society. Waste of space

6 months ago

😂😂😂😂Levrov + Putin 2🤡🤡

6 months ago

Despite the nonsense that repeatedly comes out of Lavrov's mouth he is not a fool. Lavrov is a dutiful minister appointed by Putin because his is able maintain a straight/poker face while repeating what he knows is nonsense on behalf of the little Russian dictator.

6 months ago

lol real threat to world is nato and their criminal puppets..DW not showing any article regarding crimes of isreal doing in front of the world..

6 months ago

The objective of the anglosaxons is the OSCE to disappear, as it is an organization they can't control

6 months ago

Lavrov is just a puppet…

6 months ago

Lavrov 😂